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    Farmer displays banana bunch in a market. Millions of banana consumers may face hunger and starvation if Panama wilt is not controlled. Photo: Getty Images.

    Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Institute (KALRO) alerts farmers of the deadly Panama wilt (Fusarium wilt) disease that puts banana farmers at risk of losing to the disease what they toil for.

    Bananas are a major staple food as well as a cash crop for thousands of small scale farmers in East Africa. In Kenya for instance, bananas are mainly grown in the western and central regions says International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications (ISAAA) 2015 report.

    This huge number of farmers and millions of banana consumers may face hunger and starvation if prevention mechanisms are not put in place this early.

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    Panama wilt (Fusarium wilt) caused by a fungus Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc) is an endemic disease on banana in Kenya. Locals refer to it as bokoboko.

    “We have not confirmed the new race (T4) reported in the FAO alert in Kenya. The only races of Fusarium wilt confirmed in Kenya are races 1 and 2,” said Dr Lusike A. Wasilwa –KALRO.

    The fungus Fusarium oxysporum fsp. Cubense race1 causing Panama disease survives in soil and on plant debris and enters the roots through bruises and spreads to the whole plant through conductive tissue in the pseudo stem.

    Farmers should report Panama wilt if they identify yellowing of leaves starting with the oldest to agricultural extension officers for help. More symptoms include some 2 of the leaves droop, turn brown, dry and tear. In some cases, the outer leaf sheaths of the pseudo stem may split longitudinally near the soil level.

    The affected plant by Panama wilt end up not developing sufficiently to produce a mature bunch and the disease can cause total crop loss.

    Some recommended disease control methods include: planting resistant or tolerant varieties; plant quarantine like stopping movement of planting material from affected regions; cultural control like having fields clean of leaves and other plant debris; crop rotation; and disinfest all farm equipment while working between banana stools.

    Farmers should know that bokoboko is a fatal banana disease it can wipe out an entire banana crop of a susceptible variety.

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    Nandi County Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Chief Officer, Willy Too (right) receiving a consignment of Belt pesticides from Ms. Peris Sang of Bayer East Africa Ltd.

    Small scale farmers in Nandi County can now breathe a huge sigh of relief after donation of Ksh. 2.5 million worth of pesticides by Bayer East Africa limited - West of Rift Region. The pesticides will be used to fight fall army worms which have ravaged more than 7,000 ha of maize in Nandi.

    Fall Armyworm Moth is a migratory pest native to North and South America. This pest occurs in large numbers and its caterpillars cause severe damage to more than 80 plant species especially cereal crops such as maize and rice.

    While receiving the consignment in Kapsabet, Nandi County Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Chief Officer Mr. Willy Too observed that 7000 ha of maize in the County have so far been destroyed by the invasion in the past three months. “Our farmers have incurred losses in excesses of Ksh.300 million especially in Chesumei and Mosop sub counties” said Mr. Too.

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    According to Mr. Too, the fall army worm if not controlled will slowly threaten Kenya’s grain basket stating that the government will ensure all systems are put in place to eradicate the pest. “Everything is under control and farmers should not worry, we are implementing stringent measures to eradicate the worms” added Too.

    Last month the national government dispersed over 2000 liters of pesticides to contain the worm. Consequently, farmers have reported a reduction in the spread of the worms.

    Mr. Too applauded Bayer East Africa limited for the donation, adding that the pesticides received will be distributed fairly to farmers in the affected regions.

    On her part, Peris Sang who is the Head of Sales, Bayer East Africa limited said that the chemical known as ‘Belt’ is able to control the fall worm in all the six stages commonly known as ‘ instas’ and can be sustained in the plant up to the three weeks of control. She recommended farmers in the County to continue using the chemical as it has proved effective with a majority of farmers who have used it.


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    Maize smut infection causes the corn kernels to swell up into tumor-like galls (Pic: Courtesy)

    Smut is a maize disease that is caused by the pathogenic fungus Ustillago maydis. The fungus forms galls on maize cobs and is most vigorous in warm weather. The early signs of an attack are whitish galls that later rupture to release dark spores capable of infecting other corn plants.

    To prevent this disease, farmers should plough their farms deep to bury surviving spores that were overwintered in the previous year. Crop rotation with non-cereal plants such as cassava and sweet potatoes should be practiced. Clean and disease-free maize seeds should be used in planting because the disease is also seed borne.

    Chemical control is not very effective. Seed dressing is the most effective management option with the following: Carboxin 15%+Thiram 13% (e.g Vitaflo 280) 1.5g per kg seed should be applied.

     Farmers are advised to Plant resistant/ tolerant varieties e.g., WH699 at the onset of the rains for good crop establishment. Do not use higher rates of manure and nitrogen because disease incidence is higher in soils that contain a lot of nitrogen. Avoid injuring roots, stems and leaves during weeding as this creates entry point for the disease. It is also good to eliminate volunteer host plants such as sorghum and finger millet.

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    When plant reaches knee height, check weekly for the presence of whitish grey tumor- like galls/ swelling on tassels, husks, ears/kernels, stalks, leaves,  prop roots and take action as soon as one infected plant is observed by cutting out and destroying the gall before the smut ruptures . Destroy the infected plants by burning or burying away from the maize farm.

     In case the affected plants are destroyed, avoid feeding livestock with infected materials because the spores can be transmitted through manure.

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