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    Dr Joe DeVries, AGRA  photo by Youtube.jpg

      When my team and I visited Felix Jumbe, of Peacock Seeds, a hybrid seed grower in Salima, Malawi, in March this year, we were      shocked by the destruction caused by the fall armyworm. Virtually every plant in every row of the 50 acres hybrid section of  the   Peacock Seeds farm had been severely damaged.

      Jumbe and his farm manager had sprayed the field four times with pesticides, but to no avail, triggering losses of (Sh15.55    million)$150,000 on just that one 50 acre field.

       The scale of the damage in Malawi prompted Alliance for a Green revolution in Africa (AGRA) to issue a call to action that has  since drawn together scientists from across the agricultural sector. But the worm has continued to spread, now to Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, and most recently to Ethiopia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    It has so far destroyed over 741,316 acres of maize across Africa, which is the staple food to more than 200 million people in the region.

    Kenya’s Trans Nzoia County, considered the country’s food basket, has, alone, lost 256,684 acres of maize, in destruction that is set to cause serious maize shortages ahead and comes hard on the heels of a drought-triggered shortfall.

    Authorities have reported that in Rwanda, the pest has infested maize and sorghum crops across a full quarter of the country’s cropped land. The worm has similarly infested 90,000 hectares of maize in Zambia, 42,008 acres in Malawi, 321,237 acres in Zimbabwe, approximately 123,553 acres of maize and millet in Namibia, over 40 per cent of the crops in Uganda, and over 49,421 acres of maize in northern and south-eastern Tanzania.

    The Center for Agricultural and Biosciences International (CABI) estimates the losses to Africa’s maize could cost the continent Sh311.1 billion ($3billion) in the coming year.

    Nor is maize the sole casualty. The fall armyworm feeds on more than 80 plant species, including rice, rice, sorghum, sugarcane and vegetable crops.

    Little is known, however,about how it came to Africa. Scientists suggest the insect may have arrived in imported food from America. Or it might have crossed the Atlantic in wind currents, with the wind borne adult moths capable of covering vast distances.

    But its subsequent spread has been ferocious. The worm was first reported in West Africa in January 2016. It quickly spread to Central Africa, before reaching Zambia and spreading across all of southern Africa.

    READ ALSO: Plant extracts show positive results in containing fall armyworm

    READ ALSO: Experts meet in Nairobi to solve fall armyworm menace in Africa

    READ ALSO: Sexual luring may end fall army worm

    Farmers and governments have scrambled to respond. Ghana, for instance, declared a state of emergency as the worm swept through its crops. The Zambian government deployed its national air force to transport pesticides across the country for spraying. Likewise, Rwandan soldiers have been diverted to spraying fields. But the impact has been limited, often because the treatment has been applied too late in the worm’s life cycle.

    There is hope a biological agent could help in future. Lancaster University professor Kenneth Wilson found a virus that killed the loosely related African armyworm. Replicating the same virus in the fall armyworm could create a viable pesticide against the insect.

    Lessons can also be drawn from Brazil, which has grappled with the worm for decades, even as the pest has developed resistance to a growing range of pesticides. The country spends some Sh62.22 billion ($600million) a year in the battle, but has benefited from the worm’s vulnerability to freezing temperatures, meaning that turning soils in the cold season can kill the pupae and larvae between harvests.

    In Africa, cold is not a ready tool, with rising temperature levels further fueling the worm’s spread.

    Curbing the damage ahead,therefore,requires concerted action, in which the farmer is placed at the heart of the fight.

    It is vital to generate a massive awareness campaign to educate farmers on early detection signs, so that infestations are tackled early and at speed. To be effective, farmers also need to know exactly what they need to do - which pesticides are effective, and how they need to be applied. They also need to access supplies, and may require support in applying control measures rapidly enough.

    Enabling our agricultural communities with quick and coordinated responses is now essential, to ensure the continent stays ahead of the plague.

    African governments are urgently identifying capacity and building strategic alliances with key stakeholders in the agricultural sector to achieve both short and long-term action plans to address this pest.

    This drive offers the hope, over time, of delivering an integrated management strategy that can save Africa’s agricultural sector, which feeds the continent and is key to Africa’s economic transformation.

    Otherwise parts of Africa can draw lessons from Southern Africa. Despite major infestation by the worm, the region has recorded bumper harvests this season. Although this greatly attributed to increased acreage under cultivation and higher use of improved seed varieties and fertilizer as a response to the devastating drought, this may also point to greater resilience against the warm. Such lessons and more need to be distilled quickly and applied elsewhere on the continent. We cannot allow the fall armyworm  to wipe out all the gains made in the agricultural sector. That makes the fall armyworm an issue too urgent to ignore, and a challenge that now needs to be on every agenda.

    Dr. Joe DeVries is AGRA's Vice President for Programmes.

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    Irish potatoes in the market, Coast Weekly.JPG

    Potatoes in bags ready for sale. Canola and broccoli extracts have been found to be effective in controlling potato cyst nematodes that are threatening  the crop. Photo by Coast Weekly.

    As the potato cyst nematodes (PCN) threaten to wipe out potato production in the country, research has shown that extracts of canola can reduce the infestation given that there is no commercial product for the treatment of the pest in Kenya.

    Some regions in Kenya have reported 100 per cent infestation of the pests, with the effect on production being more than 80 per cent for the crops that survive the attack, according to a recent Food and Agriculture Organisation  (FAO) commissioned research in 20 counties in Kenya.

    One hundred per cent infestation was reported in West Pokot, Taita-Taveta and Trans-Nzoia.

    In Nyandarua County, 91 per cent of the crops analysed were affected followed by Nakuru and Narok, both with 88 per cent. Elgeyo Marakwet County follows in with 87 per cent.

    A United Kingdom university research has shown that extracts of the rape seed that is also called canola inhibit the growth and multiplication of this pest, which can stay in the soil for 30 years after establishment.

    The Harper Adams University established that that the active ingredient in the Brasssica juicea species of canola – glucosinolate - reduced the population of the PCN at harvesting. The crops withstood the effects of the pests to harvesting stage in the B. juicea treated plots.

    Glucosinolate inhibits growth and multiplication of fungi and oomycetes, according to another research published in the Plant Production Science.

    The journal, however, notes that the content in the canola may inhibit growth of other crops in the following season.

    Leaves and roots of the rapeseed herb have significant levels of this active ingredient.    

    The cyst, also known as Globodera rostochiensis or Globoder pallida is highly infectious to potatoes and quarantine is usually recommended to control its spread in addition to crop rotation.

    The PCN germ was first identified in 2014 by a Chuka University Masters student, James Mwangi, during field work in Nyandarua County. The

    G. pallida, is a best controlled by quarantine, to mean marketing of the tubers for propagation of consumption aggravated the spread.

    A different study published in the American Journal of Potato Research found that chemicals, 2-propenyl and 2-phenethyl – in broccoli extracts can suppress the PCN by 50 per cent. 

    READ ALSO: Drought pushes potato prices high

    READ ALSO: Curing increases sweetpotato shelf-life from seven days to seven months

    READ ALSO: Potato seed treatment technology boosts farmers’ income

    At least 99 per cent of potato farmers rely on seeds from peer suppliers. But the FAO study found that even the seeds at the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation bore the pest.

    Canola is grown in Kenya, and its seeds and flour are consumed by health enthusiasts for various medicinal purposes.

    People who want to control weight consume the seeds to reduce the frequency of eating. The oils in the seeds take long to be digested; the stomach feels full during this period.

    Apart from being Kenya’s most staple food after maize, potato farming earns income to more than 80,000 households in the country.

    Harper Adams University recommends the inclusion of the rape seeds in the integrated pest management practices.

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    Chicken Ignatius Osoro.jpg

    Kiambu County farmer Ignatius Osoro looks at his free range chickens feeding. He uses aloe vera extracts to control diseases. The water in the blue crate in the photo contains the juice. Photo by Laban Robert.

    After realising that free-range rearing of local chickens predisposed them to diseases and pests, Ignatius Osoro started including aloe vera extract in water to reduce the risk of losses.

    The Kiambu County farmer weekly crashes the fleshy leaves of the aloe vera and includes the juice in the drinking water, which he has placed in clean equipment within the ‘grazing’ compound.

    About a half a litre of the juice is added to five litres of water while the residue from the crashed material is included in the green vegetable feeds.

    “Monthly expenditure on vaccination and treatment sometimes reached Sh1,000 in a month. But this has reduced to less than Sh200 over the same period. I believe the immunity of the chickens remains strong because of the ingredients of the concoction,” the Kamanga village farmer said.

    Chickens on free-range feed on anything they come across provided it is edible. This not only predisposes the poultry to deadly bacteria but also humans.

    Such bacteria include Escherichi coli, staphylococcus, Salmonella typhi, among others. These disease cause deaths of more than 50 per cent once they set in and can affect the humans in form of food poisoning if consumed.

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    According to a Western Kenya study published in the journal of Livestock Research for Rural Development, active ingredients in aloe vera inhibit the growth and other adverse activities so the salmonella typhi, staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, among other disease causing microbes.

    Staphylococcus and Escherichia are other common bacteria poisonous to humans, with research showing that unhygienic conditions to be contributing about 40 per cent germs to chicken meat. Besides reducing productivity in eggs, loss of stock after an acute attack leads to losses of life of the brood as well as humans

    Although there are no specific statistics in Kenya, E. coli has been recorded to be claiming 5,500 people every year in England, according to the Mail Online.

    Osoro has more than 40 chickens, but the stock sometimes rises to about 80 depending on the season.

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