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    Rabbit Thika, Godfrey Njoroge By Laban Robert.JPG

    Godfrey Njoroge feels the weight of a rabbit during a farmers event at the Thika Technical Training Institute on February 24, 2017. Rabbak,  a business organisation, is looking for rabbits. Photo by Laban Robert. 

    A Kiambu County based group is looking for more than 1,000 rabbits per week from farmers to meet its growing demand from the suppliers.
    Supermarkets and other small meat outlets have placed orders at the Thika-based company, Rabbak, to deliver meat and life rabbits.
    The firm, which also slaughters the rabbits, has never met the orders, one of the directors, Godfrey Njoroge said.
    Rabbak is buying the rabbits at Sh400 per kilo. For one to deliver the rabbits to Rabbak, they must be at least three kilogrammes.
    “Rabbak has orders; there are no rabbits to deliver. It does not matter the breed of the rabbit. A farmer delivers rabbits, which are in good health for weighing before immediate payment. This ensures that the farmers get the money and use it in buying more inputs for production,” Njoroge said during a livestock event in Thika town.
    Rabbit meat is becoming popular because of being lean. Apart from deep frying, it is roasted in addition to making of sausages in hotels, and other eateries besides supermarkets.
    Nakumatt is one of the biggest consumers of the rabbit in form of sausages.
    The retail outlet placed an order of 100 rabbits per week, but Rabbak has never met he number. High-end hotels in Nairobi have placed orders exceeding 1,000 rabbits per week.
    The farmer is required to deliver a live rabbit to the Thika offices.

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    READ ALSO: Rabbit meat and urine offer farmers profitable alternatives
    Rabbit farming, which was perceived as a ‘lad’s hobby in the traditional set up is quickly rising to be an agribusiness opportunity.
    Apart from the meat, other farmers are tapping and selling urine as a folia fertiliser and biopesticide. Half a litre of the urine fetches more than Sh500.
    For those with good markets in places like Mombasa, one kilo of the rabbit earns them between Sh700 and Sh1,000 upon delivery.
    Njoroge can be contacted on +254721707540
    Or Waiganjo on +254721219092

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    Sukuma wiki, Nyambari, By Laban Robert.JPG

    Bags full of kales being loaded into a vehicle  at Nyambari, along the Nairobi-Nakuru Highway for transportation to towns like Kisumu. A supplier is making more than Sh50,000 per week from such deliveries. Photo by Laban Robert.

    As the prices for the kales continue rising in major town in Kenya, one supplier is making more than Sh50,000 a week by buying the vegetables from rural farmers and delivering the produce to the urban areas for sale.
    John Kimani delivers the kales- locally known as sukuma wiki- to Kisumu City three or four times a week.
    The more than four-month spell in the country has caused doubling of the cost of vegetables, with the kales being one of the most sought produce.
    The cost of a bag of between 60kg and 70kg in the lakeside city has shot from Sh 800 to reach Sh2,500 over the last one month.
    The Kiambu County agripreneur buys the same quantity at Sh1,500 from the farmers from Kimende, Lari Constituency, and other surrounding areas.
    “The transportation and miscellaneous costs of every bag total to Sh500. That means am left with about a net of Sh500 from each bag if I sell each of them at Sh2,000,” Kimani said.
    He, however, notes that the price keeps varying and at times he buys the same bag at Sh1,000 and sells it at Sh2,500. This helps in covering those days he may have made a loss or a marginal profit.
    From the sales of 40 bags at Sh2,000 each, a net income of Sh500 from each earns Kimani Sh20,000. For three trips to Kisumu in a week, the amount triples to Sh60,000.
    He makes three to four deliveries per week to the city, which is more than 280km to the west of Nairobi.
    Farmers deliver the vegetables to collection centres along the Nairobi-Nakuru Highway during the day. He pays them in cash before traveling over-night to Kisumu.
    He spends the following day in Kisumu before travelling back to Nairobi at night. By the third day, he is collecting the produce again for another trip.

    READ ALSO:Vegetable prices double in Nairobi

    READ ALSOFarmer's sukuma wiki variety grows for 10 years

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    Unlike the popular view that middlemen exploit farmers in the supply chain, Kimani says locating and delivering the goods to the market is challenging.
    Every producer cannot afford to search and deliver the goods to the market unless they are large scale farmer.
    In covering the cost of fuel back to Kiambu, Kimani has connections with other Kisumu traders, who he helps in delivering various goods to Nairobi with his canter vehicle.
    Indeed Kimani is not alone in this business as the highway stretch from Limuru to past Kimende towns is littered with the white kales and spinach bags ready for transportation to Nakuru, Mombasa, Nairobi and other regions.
    Today, a 70kg bag of kales is costing Sh1,740 in Nairobi, Sh1,660 in Mombasa, Sh2,840 in Nakuru and Sh1,880 in Eldoret.

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