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    Cotton Joram Kaindi Mombas ASK  By Laban Robert.JPG

    Joram Kaindi of Syngenta briefs pupils on growing cotton at the agri-firm's demonstration farm in Mombasa during the 2016 ASK Show. The government has increased cotton prices to encourage more farmers to grow the cash crop for Rivatex and other factories. Photo by Laban Robert.

    Farmers, who abandoned cotton for the closure of the ginneries, can revive their crop to meet the demand after the government announced increase the payment per kilo by Sh8.

    Kenya’s biggest textile factory, Rift Valley Textile East Africa (Rivatex), is churning out only 10,000 bales per year.

    The Eldoret-based factory processes 70,000 bales of yun per annum. The factory was operating at full capacity in the 1980’s until the introduction of secondhand clothes, commonly called mitumba, which suffocated it.

    Cotton farmers have been receiving Sh42 per kilo, but the price has been increased to Sh50 to not only match that of Uganda and Tanzania, but also encourage more acreage.

    The company managing Director Thomas Kipkurgat described the below-capacity operation as “severe shortage”.

    The MD urged farmers to grow more cotton to enable the factory meet its raw material requirement, which will in turn create more jobs and revenue for all.

    READ ALSO: Indian cotton seed maker eyeing Kenyan market

    READ ALSO: Revamped ginneries spur cotton production countrywide

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    Moi University Research Centre bought Rivatex in 2007 after nine years under receivership.

    Cotton does well in most regions in Kenya, which include Nyanza, Western, Coast, central, Eastern and Rift Valley.

    The garment making crop does well in warm regions with rainfall of between 850mm and 1100mm per year. Maximum yields cannot be achieved below a rainfall of 500mm unless with the support of irrigation.

    Apart from having a humid climate and loamy soil, the temperatures should be between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius through the year.




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    Kiambu County farmer, Patrick Njenga, harvesting potatoes from his Kimende farm in 2016. International organisations are working to contract over 23,000 farmers so enable them access potao markets. Photo by Laban Robert.

    International organizations have started working together in supporting the more than 800,000 potato farmers access markets besides enabling processors receive a constant flow of quality produce.

    In the plan, at least 23,000 farmers from various are to be contracted to deliver at least 63.5 tonnes of the potatoes by mid 2019.

    But the overall outlook is to have a total monthly yield of 2,650 tonnes to selected processors.

    The East Africa Potato Consortium (EAPC), which was formed in 2015 out of a partnership of Grow Africa, Alliance for a Green Revolution Africa and the National Potato Council, will oversee the contracting process.

    There are about 800,000 potato farmers in Meru, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Elgeyo Marakwet, Laikipia, Bungoma, among other counties in Kenya.

    But the market has remained a challenge with the intervention of middlemen in the purchase of quality seeds and marketing leaves them exploited.

    Under the new partnership, processors will also have a constant supply of the goods, Grow Africa Head of East and Southern Africa Leah Kasera said.

    “Farmers produce about 2.8 tonnes of potatoes per acre instead of 12. Maximum yield can be realised with quality seeds, good management practices, among other production factors,” Kasera said.

    READ ALSO: Policy positions potato as Kenya’s food of the future

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    Certified seeds would not only guarantee high yields for farmers, but also give the best shape for the potatoes to meet the desire of the processors.

    Besides, fast food chips, potatoes are processed into crisps and other products to extend the shelf life and expand the market reach for more earnings.

    The Sereni Fries Processing Company Managing Director Humphrey Mburu said the machines are working on about five tonnes per day instead of maximum 15 tonnes required.

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