JM So­cial Icons

    Free farm­ers’ train­ing set for 29th Novem­ber in Ka­bete

    Live­stock farm­ers within Nairobi and its en­virons are set to be­ne­fit from a free farm­ers field day or­gan­ized by the Kenya An­imal and Ge­net­ics Re­source Cen­ter s in Lower Ka­bete, Nairobi County on 29th Novem­ber, 2017 at 9.00 a.m. The theme of the field day will be en­han­cing live­stock pro­ductiv­ity through mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies in an­imal ge­net­ics for food se­cur­ity and na­tional de­vel­op­ment and will be graced by ag­ri­cul­ture Cab­inet Sec­ret­ary Willy Bett.

    Re­lated art­icle: Agro-out­let ease farm­ers’ life through farm in­puts and dir­ect mar­ket link­age

    Lim­ited on-farm and off-farm pro­cessing of ag­ri­cul­tural pro­duce has trans­lated to low prices, fewer job op­por­tun­it­ies and even­tu­ally low in­come for farm­ers. This can be at­trib­uted to the chal­lenge of in­ad­equate ad­op­tion of new tech­no­lo­gies and in­nov­a­tions, ma­na­gerial and tech­nical skills to ef­fect­ively es­tab­lish and man­age vi­able ag­ribusi­nesses.


    KAGRC live­stock ex­pert, Eliud Mwangi hold­ing an ar­ti­fi­cial va­gina used to col­lect semen from bulls at the 2017 Nairobi In­ter­na­tional Trade Fair

    KAGRC ad­vices farm­ers on how to rear breed­ing bulls for pro­vi­sion of high qual­ity dis­ease free semen to meet the na­tional de­mand for ex­port, they will also train farm­ers on semen col­lec­tion, semen pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion, semen stor­age and train­ing of agents to work on their be­half.

    Re­lated art­icle: Dairy goat farm chan­ging farm­ers’ lives through train­ings

    Ac­cord­ing to KAGRC Live­stock ex­pert Mwangi Eliud, farm­ers need to de­velop a dy­namic and com­pet­it­ive ag­ribusi­ness which re­quires not only en­hanced tech­nical and ma­na­gerial skills but also greater mar­ket­ing ori­ent­a­tion and net­work­ing; bet­ter mar­ket in­form­a­tion and bet­ter link­ages with ser­vice pro­viders.

    Small­holder dairy pro­duc­tion in Kenya ac­counts for over 70% of the total milk pro­duc­tion and sup­ports more than 600,000 small­holder dairy farm­ers.

    What will be done?

    Small­holder farm­ers will be taught on the need to de­velop busi­ness plans with the as­sist­ance of ag­ri­cul­tural ex­ten­sion of­ficers to guide their pro­jects to suc­cess­ful im­ple­ment­a­tion. Busi­ness plan­ning is im­port­ant to a be­gin­ner farmer as it helps them plan for the eco­nomic sus­tain­ab­il­ity of a new farm en­ter­prise.

    Re­lated art­icle: Ag­ri­cul­ture cen­ter cre­ates mil­lion­aires through free train­ings

    Many farm­ers in rural areas do not have the most up-to-date in­form­a­tion on how to man­age their an­im­als ef­fi­ciently and eco­nom­ic­ally. Im­prov­ing their know­ledge of new tech­niques and tech­no­lo­gies, in ad­di­tion to provid­ing them with any phys­ical re­sources ne­ces­sary for im­ple­ment­a­tion, can dra­mat­ic­ally in­crease the farm­ers’ level of pro­ductiv­ity

    Educat­ing farm­ers’ leads to in­creased local food avail­ab­il­ity, in­creased farmer in­come and in­creased sus­tain­ab­il­ity of ag­ri­cul­tural prac­tices.

    Farm­ers need to form small­holder groups in order to max­im­ize the power of num­bers in input and out­put ac­quis­i­tion and in mar­ket­ing their pro­duce.

    With all the above to be done, farm­ers will thus be as­sured of bet­ter man­age­ment of their farms so as to in­crease pro­ductiv­ity, earn more in­come and en­sure their an­im­als are well taken care of.


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