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    Farm­Biz TV: Green maize of­fers fast route to har­vest as short­age looms

    pexels photo 547263By John Matava

    Green maize is fetch­ing premium pri­cing, at 16,000 maize plants per acre, each with double cobs selling at Sh8 to Sh10 each, and it is har­ves­ted at four months, com­pared to six months for dry grains that sell for less.

    Re­lated News:

    Farmer re­sorts to green maize, mak­ing four times profit as com­pared to grains

    Green maize cost hits Sh8,000 in Mom­basa

    Farmer earns more from green maize than grains

    New drought tol­er­ant and pests res­ist­ant maize vari­ety gets Sh2.5bn fund­ing







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