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    flightBy Fredrique Achieng

    Kenya's horticultural sector has been thrown into disarray as producers compete for air cargo space, following the suspension of flights to major export areas in Europe (EU). 

    The overall number of flights coming into the country from key horticultural export markets, such as Amsterdam and London, has suddenly fallen from 14 flights a day to six, as foreign airlines have discontinued services, with foreign travelers banned and no facility for their air crews to stop over.

    But with flights suspended, the options for air cargo have fallen by more than half, for an industry that earned Kenya over Sh153bn last year, as the country’s third largest foreign exchange earner.

    Magdalene Were is one of many exporters now copping sudden losses, as she sits with nine tonnes of fresh produce, worth Sh11m, that was due to be exported, but is now sitting rotting. "The virus has hurt the horticulture sector even though it has not yet hit the country as hard as other areas in the world. My consignment that was set for Rotterdam, which had a variety of products ranging from flowers and fruits, is now going to go to waste", she said.

    An average plane carries at least 50 tons of cargo per travel, worth typically Sh60m or more for exporters. The sudden drop in the number of flights to and from the “is a worrisome situation for us in this industry because it creates more problems for us than not exporting our products: we will also not be able to receive farm inputs that help with the growth of our produce in the farms," said Magdalene, who is a member of the Kenya Flower Council.

    With major export destinations in Europe having now banned entry to foreign passengers, and also banned events and closed bars and restaurants, sales are anyway plummeting. But consumers across Europe are still visiting and buying from their grocery stores and supermarkets. 

    “Most growers understand the situation on the ground and most of them are in close contact with their clients. This makes both the clients and farmers understand each other. Many shops are closing down and flights are being cancelled, which, therefore, means orders are not reaching in the destination in time, ruining them, or just not reaching their destinations at all," said Magdalene.

    Local farmers are also rapidly running out of farm inputs, such as imported pest control products, that help their farm inputs meet the requirements for international markets.

    "Farmers normally have a stockpile of not more than a month's inputs - this is because of the high prices they go for," adds Magdalene.  "For our European market, flowers are normally on high demand, due to their culture. They always find a reason to give a bouquet or even just one flower and with a lot of cancellations this means low business,".

    Said Faith Mueni, a flower farmer in Naivasha: "Millions of sales are being lost and there is nothing much that we can do about it. The challenge comes when we have to get the destination to redirect our products to other markets. This is because most markets that we are redirecting our products to already have a surplus, meaning our products are going to rot.

    " The simultaneous flight cancellations and order slowdowns are also effecting fruit and vegetables, which are also not getting through to the European food stores.

    There are reports of government talks to review ways of reactivating additional cargo flights, but without any intervention the damage for exporters is set to be crippling. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports the airline industry is set to lose at least $29bn worth of flights across lost cargo and passenger revenues. 

    Economist Lilian Wangari explains that the main reason countries are facing such difficulties is because of the degree of global interdependence generated by world trade. 

    With factories sending workers home and closing down as a result of the virus, some farm inputs will also run out. However, these are now likely to become available in Kenya long before there is an overall global shortage, if flights remain suspended.

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    githinjiSome of the country’s pumpkin farmers are solving the problem of too much competition in the market, as smallholders have raced into pumpkin production, by buying or hiring processing machines to make oil and flour from the fruit, earning them far more than before and ending storage problems.

    Inheriting the venture from her parents, Bernice Mwihaki, a pumpkin farmer from Kerugoya in Kirinyaga County used to split the fruit and sell the slices to customers at around Sh20 a piece while the seeds were castoff.

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    Even after adopting the hybrid seeds of giant Israel variety she did not know that the fruit that weighs 10-15 kilos after a six-month maturity period could earn her more than Sh500 the price she sold it when raw until she got to learn how to produce other products from it during an agricultural show.

    With her first Sh200,000 earnings in 2016 after harvesting about 11 tonnes from their three acres piece of plot, Mwihaki with her husband decided that in order to face off marketing challenges they had to purchase a processing machine.

    ‘’Before, raw pumpkins used to be of high demand and few farmers were in the venture then, but now there are many farmers growing them and the only way to avoid marketing and storage challenges is to process them and make more valuable products,’’ said Mwihaki.

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    Today, when they harvest their fruits, they cut them into smaller pieces, remove the seeds, dry them under shade to avoid the leaching of nutrients by direct sunlight before crushing the dried pieces of pumpkin using the machine and processing the seeds too.

    She says, from six tonnes of the fruits, she can get up to 1,000 kilos of flour, while from five kilos of the crop, she can get 250 ml of pumpkin oil, which results to 10-20 bottles of 250 ml oil and 1,000 kilos of flour daily.

    ‘’We package the products under our brand name, Wilber Farm, and sell a 60 ml bottle of the oil at Sh500 and roasted pumpkin seeds at Sh400 per 100 grams,’’ said Mwihaki.

    For William Githinji, another pumpkin farmer from Nyeri County, he is currently earning more than double the income he earned from selling the produce when fresh thanks to processing of the fruit seeds into oil, a practice he started in 2018.

    “I borrowed the pumpkin production idea from a farmer who used to produce the crop while the demand of the fruits was high as many farmers had not picked it up. However, with time, many farmers have adopted the crop and there is market,” he said.

    He heard from some of his customers that they were using pumpkins to make flour and oil, but having not yet bought his own machine, he is hiring one to crush dried pieces of pumpkin and process the seeds.

    Like Mwihaki, Githinji can get up to 1,000 kilos of pumpkin powder from six tonners of pumpkins while from five kilos of the fruit, he can get 250ml of pumpkin oil.

    ‘’I sell a 60ml bottle of the oil at Sh500 He also sells roasted pumpkin seeds at Sh400 per 100g under the Green Patch Farm brand name.’’

    He grows four varieties of giant pumpkins, being Israel Giant, Egyptian Giant, Equatorial Giant and Dollar.

    Pumpkin is steadily rising as a superfood that is in demand with Kenyan health conscious consumers.

    Gladys Mugambi, a nutritionist working with the Ministry of Health says pumpkins are low in calories, rich in iron, zinc, fibre and high in vitamin C and beta carotene, a precursor of vitamin A.

    RELATED CONTENT:Nyeri entrepreneur buying pumpkin seeds from farmers

    ‘’This is one fruit that is promising high commercial returns to our farmers who are already or planning to venture into its production because it is good for a wide range of consumers from just ordinary persons to expectant women and to children,’’ said Mugambi.

    Pumpkin seed flour is also used as a protein supplement in bread and cookies and can be used to supplement cereal flours in bakery products, soups, instant noodles and as a natural colouring agent in pasta and flour mixes.

    Githinji can be reached on +254 719 504 157

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