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    A Nakuru County hatchery entrepreneur has resorted to dipping her chickens in pesticide suspension, a method which she says kills more than 90 percent of external parasites.

    Mary Njeri, the owner of Poultry Farm Hatchery, said chicken shake off powder pesticides, making them less effective in controlling the blood sucking external parasites.

    The agripreneur uses between 20 and 40 chickens in hatching chicks for sale. He realised that after the 21-day period, the chickens show discomfort besides notable weight loss. 

    “Immediately after hatching, the chickens keep pecking mites and fleas from under the wing. They keep scratching themselves too. I found immersing them in treated water to be the most effective method after powders failed,” she said.

    Njeri said heavy infestation leads to significant loss of weight because the chicken feed less frequently while brooding while the pests keep ‘taxing’ blood.

    Brooding usually takes place in nests, which may be dusty. The continuous warmth from the chicken, she says, supports the multiplication of the parasites.


    “Immersion works up to 99 per cent because the chemical seeps into the body of the parasites even after the chicken shakes off while drying. As it dries, the paste remains on the body of the pesticide and starts deteriorating its skin,” she said.

    It is not easy to see the parasites. But a keen look into the skin under strong sunlight will show speckling deposits. The deposits are parasite droppings.

    Caution should be exercised during immersion, she warns.

    Selective pesticide

    She uses Ectomin, a chemical meant for external use only-if it harms parasites, it can do the same to the chicken if ingested.

    “I only dip the chicken up to the base of the head. I then hold the head carefully for a rub on the wattle and the crown. The two milimetre pesticide against 20 litres of water is only sufficient to harm the parasites, not the chickens,” she said.

    In preventing the spread of the parasites to the other poultry, Njeri does this always before letting the brooders join other birds.

    READ ALSO: Mint used to control fleas, mosquitoes

    Together with her husband, Dennis Chege, they sell chicks of kienyeji chicken, broiler, KARI, layers, Kari indigenous, among others at different prices depending on the age, and breed.

    On sale

    For instance a day old kienyeji chicken is sold at Sh90 while a KARI one costs Sh100. Kuroiler chicks fetches Sh110 each. 

    The 20litre dose is sufficient for 20 chickens. The immersion is preferably done on sunny days to avoid cold to the chickens. Chicks, also, should not be subjected to the same baptism.

    They also sell doves, pigeons, among other birds.

    READ ALSOFarmer fetches 'humble' thousands from doves and pigeons monthly

    Chege can be reached on +254725012098 and Mary on +254719216513


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    A Kisii County mixed poultry farmer has been able to keep off chicken predators for years by using guinea fowls, geese and turkeys.

    Chore Sunda started with two chicks that were eight weeks in 1984, but the challenge of taking care of them at enclosed areas-commercial feeds were rare in remote areas then-made him think of a way of securing the brood.

    The farmer bought two guinea fowls, which he learnt were good at chasing aerial predators like hawks.

    “Guinea fowls ‘laugh’ when they sense danger. Chickens take cover after receiving the ‘laughing’ signal. In case the predator attacks, the guinea fowl fights back as chicks rush to hide,” Sunda said.

    Good earners

    Besides being soldiers for years, he realised that many people in Kisii region do not rear the rare birds, therefore, demand is all time high.

    For example at four months, a guinea fowl earns him Sh2,500.

    The number of chickens, guinea fowls, geese and turkeys varies up to 50 or 60. Chickens are always more.

    Currently, Sunda has four guinea fowls against 12 and eight local and layers respectively.

    The Keumbu farmer is also rearing pure and layers-crossbred broilers.

    How farmer earned Sh100,000 from guinea fowl pets

    More predator protectors

    The geese and the turkeys are his other chicken protectors that dealing with other predators like dogs, cats, squirrels, mongooses, among others.

    “A goose has saw-like ‘teeth’, which it uses to attack dogs. It dares the animals to bite and as they open their mouth to attack, it holds the tongue and pulls it out hard,” he said.

    He has three geese at the moment.

    Sunda uses the eight local chickens, commonly called kienyeji, to hatch broilers or layers chicks.

    His stock is on free-range, although the boundary of the feeding ground is secured by a wire-mesh.

    Hobby turns business

    Just like other foreign bird fans, he has turned the hobby into an agribusiness that is taking care of his family needs.

    READ ALSO:  The administrator turning his goose hobby into farming venture

    “From the birds, I have seen three children through secondary schools. In fact, two of them have cleared college courtesy of the poultry,” he said during the Kisii Agricultural Society of Kenya Show, 2016.

    READ ALSO: Rare birds earn farmer Sh15million yearly

    For any inquiries on the above poultry, Sunda can be reached on +254729217058.



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