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    A mention of Mpeketoni Town, flashes images terror and lifelessness in many Kenyans, and indeed the world.

    But one farmer, Julius Kimotho is making at least Sh320,000 from his groundnuts from his farm in this evergreen area, which he describes as a 'town in the garden'.

    In 2011, Kimotho grew a handful of groundnuts he had carried from central region's Kenya Nuts Company.

    He grew them for domestic consumption, but the harvest made him think twice.

    “I better know the variety as 'Kenya nuts', because that is where I got it from. The harvest was tantalising. We did not eat them; I curved out half an acre from the maize field and grew more in the next season. The taste of the money from the groundnuts has gradually lured my desire to grow more,” he said.

    He has since increased land under groundnuts to two acres, from which he draws at least 3,200 kgs per season.

    The market at the Coast region is still wide; most small-scale traders 'import' the groundnuts from upcountry. But he has captured traders from Lamu Island, Malindi and Kilifi towns.

    Each kilogramme goes for Sh100 although sometimes it reaches Sh110 or more depending on the supply.

    The variety is bulky and 'heavy', therefore, a few seeds have more weight that the slim types, which are common.

    Given that this town was a settlement area, soil nutrients have not been depleted, therefore, he spends little on fertilizer. Crop rotation is also helping his deal with groundnuts pests and infections.

    As he sets to reduce the size of land under maize to increase groundnuts production, Kimotho says the market in the region is still hungry and he has no fear of shifting to this less crowded farming.

    “When items are brought to the Coast region, the residents say the goods have been 'imported' from up country. I want to be part of those covering this market. I want to supply more and more to the people as others remain in maize and vegetable farming. Being a lone ranger or in the game of few means less competition and more profits,” he said.

    READ ALSO: Groundnut farmers asked to adopt four times yielding varieties.

    Although he lost his son in the 2014 Al Shabaab attack in the town in which more that 60 people perished, he is not shaken.

    “I cannot go back up country. Death can find you anywhere. I want to be where I have been for more than 50 years. Farming has supported me this far. I am confident farming will change the lives of my two children in college and those of my three grandchildren left by my son,” he says.

    As opposed to maize which takes about six months, groundnuts are yielding more because of short maturity period of a maximum of four months. This gives him room for rotation with other vegetables.

    Mpeketoni is a metropolitan town, supported by mixed farming.

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    Small holder maize farmers in Kenya with crop on less than five acres are set to benefit from a subsidized insurance covers if their expected yields fall by more than 20 per cent due to extreme weather conditions.
    This is good news to more than 70 per cent of maize farmers in the country who are normally forced to endure hard social economic times including famine when tough weather condition like drought, floods and hail stones affect their yields. The insurance cover will act as a refund for poor yields arising from bad weather condition, hence providing them a new starting point.
    How it works
    This noble insurance plan is as a result of a partnership between the Kenyan government and seven leading insurance companies including APA Insurance, Amaco, CIC, Heritage, Kenya Orient, UAP and Jubilee with the government paying 50 percent of total premiums for farmers.
    According to the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries, premiums paid by the farmers will be tied to the historical average yield of a particular area with zones with higher yields paying an average of Sh1367 per acre while those with low yield history paying an average of Sh456 per acre
    This mean, a maize farmer with two acres of maize plant in Trans Nzoia, a high maize producing region in Kenya is supposed to pay Sh2734, the government will pay a half of the amount. His counterpart with the same size of maize farm in a low producing region like Wajir is supposed to pay Sh912, with a half cleared by the State. The modalities of what a farmer in a region is supposed to pay as premium will be arrived at by those insurance companies.
    Although APA Group chief executive Ashok Shah described this initiative as an all inclusion weather insurance package for smallholder farmers and a sure insulation for weather based agricultural disasters, some farmers like Eliud Mucheru from Kiambu view it as an extortion conduit by insurance companies to expand their market bases. He wants the insurance to cover include other production barriers like disease and pests if they indeed want to uplift a farmer.
    However, most experts have termed this initiative as a step in the right direction by the government to guard cash starved small holder farmers against harsh and unexpected weather disasters which hamper their production every year. Kenya has an annual maize deficit of up to 10 million bags per year, forcing the government to import from neighboring countries.
    Major documents and dates
    Maize is the country’s staple food with an average consumption of 98 kilos per year, this according to the Kenya Maize Development Programme (KMDP)
    Farmers willing to sign up for this insurance package are asked to visit any branch of insurance companies mentioned in this partnership. Some of documentations needed include the copy of title deed, authentic measurement of farm size under maize production and the farmer’s identification card.
    Farmers have up to the March 14 to sign up for the cover ahead of the long rains planting season that starts in April and the second week of October for the short rains season. For more information about this insurance plan, kindly visit a nearest branch of any insurance company mentioned in this article

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