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    Festus Mutemi working at his backyard sack farm in Kitui County. Photo Courtesy.

    In cutting down the irrigation water requirement, one Kitui County farmer has resorted to growing vegetables in sacks  to meet the domestic needs.
    The 90kg sacks host between 10 and 15 kales grown at the top as well as on the sides.
    Festus Mutemi mixes the soil with sawdust to reduce water loss after irrigation. Three litres of water are sufficient in maintaining the productivity of every sack for a day.
    The farmer, who started with eight sacks at his Kitui County home in November 2016, is expanding the trade to his other home at Makueni County. He already has to sacks filled with kales.
    “I started with trials. I grew the kales on a sack and others on the ground as a control. After one month of irrigation, the ones in the sacks were doing well while those on the ground- despite receiving the same amount of water daily- were weak,” he said.

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    The farmer, who is also a student at Laikipia University, picks loam soil, which has good drainage bedsides organic matter and micro organisms for decomposition.
    He mixes the soil with about 10kg of goat droppings just before transplanting the seedlings. He later adds chicken droppings mixed with saw dust.
    “My family spends at least Sh80 after every three days in purchasing greens. But since November 2016, the expense has been slashed. The little water that is required in this movable farm is just like that in the household,” he said.
    The lower eastern region, under which the two counties fall, receives less than 500mm of rain per year, therefore, most to the time it is dry.
    As he expands the project to commercial levels, the young agripreneur hopes that sack farming could be helpful in meeting vegetable needs all year round, not only for him, but the residents too.

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    A farmer inspects a banana bunch at Kitale VI Farm. A Nyamira County farmer makes double earning by ripening banana fingers for schools. PHOTO BY: Laban Robert

    As banana growers wait for nine months to get about Sh500 from on bunch another agripreneur is making twice the same amount in two weeks by ripening the fingers for sale to schools.

    Afro Ochieng’ buys and ripens the fruit for wholesale to schools around Nyamusi Sub-county, Nyamira County.

    A 70kg to 80kg banana costs Ochieng about Sh600. The only ‘value addition’ he does is letting the bananas ripens for four to seven days before packing the hands into the standard bread crates.

    “Each crate earns Sh3,000. One needs three bananas bunches to fill the crate. For every full bunch, I make between Sh1,000 and Sh1,100. For some farmers ripening and selling is tedious, but for me, it is my pay,” he said.

    The farmer, who also has 20 stands of banana bushes, said secondary schools are his main market.

    Ochieng sells at least nine crates every week to Mochenwa, St. Kaiser, among other secondary schools in Nyamusi Su-county.

    “Schools buy at wholesale. The trick is having extra money to buy the bananas from those farmers who need ready cash. Ikonge, Magwawa, Riomego, Ekerenyo are renowned places for banana growing, therefore, the supply is steady,” he said.

    A banana takes about nine months and one year to grow from a sucker to yielding. By the end of this period, a banana of about 90kg- from tissue culture or another Kisii local variety called ng’ombe- earns farmers Sh800 to Sh900.

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    Apart from the old 20 stools, he has expanded the banana by adding 80 fresh ones to have him covered during shortages.

    Ochieng is part of the Misire Self- help Group, which also bakes bread, cakes and other products from bananas for sale to various outlets in Kisii, Nyamira, Kericho and other neighbouring counties. 

    The group also dries and grinds banana peelings into power for sale. Banana peelings ‘dust’ is said to lower the ulcer effect due to the various minerals in the uncooked materials. 













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