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    Europe avo­cado de­mand to be­ne­fit Kenyans until Au­gust

    Avo­cado farm­ers would be­ne­fit from the ex­ten­ded ex­port period of the fruit into Europe, a move meant to meet the grow­ing de­mand after major sup­ply­ing coun­tries dropped in pro­duc­tion.

    Lead­ing global fresh pro­duce ex­porter, Eagle Fruit Al­li­ance, says pro­duc­tion in South Africa and Peru dropped due to hos­tile weather con­di­tions.

    The news comes a few days after the Hor­ti­cul­tural Crops De­vel­op­ment Au­thor­ity (HCDA) ap­proved com­mer­cial­isa­tion and ex­port of the fruit start­ing April until Au­gust.

    Kenya has two main Hass sea­sons, with the first one start­ing in March and end­ing in July. The second one com­mences in Septem­ber ex­tend­ing to Feb­ru­ary.

    The South African com­pany also sources the fruit from Kenya, packs and ex­ports.

    An­thony Bothma, an of­fi­cial from the com­pany, says farm­ers would be­ne­fit more fol­low­ing a drop in the ship­ping costs and their cli­ents has agreed to buy from Kenya until Au­gust.

    "We just re­turned from Europe to se­cure mar­ket­ing pro­grammes. We are sure that we have a very good sea­son ahead,” he said.

    However, sup­pli­ers must en­sure the pro­duce meets the re­quired ma­tur­ity stand­ards.

    While as­sur­ing that a lot has been done to en­sure qual­ity pro­duce, he said, Europe would con­tinue con­sum­ing Kenyan pro­duce if the first batch proofs to be good.

    HCDA had been met with ex­port and pack­aging stake­hold­ers to dis­cuss qual­ity. The agency also met farm­ers and en­lightened them on the es­sence of har­vest­ing ma­ture pro­duce for qual­ity.

    Pack­ing com­pan­ies are under scru­tiny from HCDA, the of­fi­cial told Fresh­Plaza, a global pro­duce pub­lic­a­tion.

    HCDA con­trols hor­ti­cul­tural ex­port from Kenya in col­lab­or­a­tion with Kenya Plant In­spect­or­ate Ser­vice.

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