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    Bomet Potato farmer.

    In the quest to quench the thirst of shortage of quality potato seed in Bomet County, the USAID funded Kenya Agricultural Value Chains Enterprises Project working with Deepa Industries, the processors of Tropical Heat brand of crisps approached Midlands Sacco to interest its members to venture into seed multiplication in 2015.  

    Elisha Lang’at, a 35 year-old farmer attended a training session and took interest in the business.  Bomet is a key potato growing county, the preferred source by processors. Production is however hampered by shortage of good quality seed potato.

    RELATED ARTICLE: Collective bargaining helps farmers’ cooperative earn 2bn from potato farming

    For this reason, Elisha Langa’t developed interest in multiplying seed to tap the opportunity to make some money.  After the training he took a soil sample and the results turned positive for potato without having to do much since his land was still virgin.

     He bought three 50kg bags of starter seed from the Agricultural Development Corporation and planted them on .03 acres. After following all instructions as directed by the local agriculture extension officer he harvested 10 bags from each seed bag, giving himself 30 90kg bags of seed. He sold them and earned Sh 25,000.

    Encouraged by the demand and good earnings, he has since expanded to two acres where he is expecting to reap 80 bags. He has no intention of growing ware potatoes but fully concentrate on seed multiplication. As he waits for rains to subside to start harvesting, his seed has already been booked by farmers.

    He has subdivided his farm into blocks to enable crop rotation to avoid soil overuse and build-up of diseases.  

    KAVES, that is implementing some of USAID’s food security support programmes under the Feed The Future initiative, ventured into potato to increase productivity and income for smallholders as part of its target of assisting about 500,000 farmers to improve productivity and incomes across selected agricultural value chains in five years. 

     RELATED ARTICLE: Potato value addition earns Nyeri farmers sh10000 daily

    “We picked the potato from our value chains studies which indicate the tuber is big from the beginning to the end of the chain and positioned as food security crop number two in Kenya after maize and mainly grown by smallholders”, said Kaves Chief of Party Dr Steve New at a conference in Bomet mid last month. 


    Kenya is dependent on maize which has been attacked by various pests and diseases threatening the country's food security. An attack by Maize Lethal Necrosis disease and lately army worms forced a shift to alternatives and potatoes were a natural choice for Bomet as well as other counties in the North Rift region.  


    A cost benefit analysis shows there is money to be made in potato farming. However, the potato value chain is encumbered in problems from start to finish. Studies show that seed, storage, agronomy, market systems, consumption and everything else about potato is loaded with challenges amidst a huge potential to create a robust sector like it is in Europe where they eat potatoes all the time either as roast, boiled, fried and more.

     RELATED ARTICLE: Potato cyst nematode pest can reduce up to 80% potato production in Kenya

    A lot has been done towards sorting these problems to increase productivity, the most notable being availability of a wider selection of varieties but the industry woes are still far. Top hotels are still importing frozen chips due to lack of suitable varieties with the right texture, shape and taste, said Dr New.  


    Marketing systems are still disorganized leading to disparities between farm and markets prices. Farmers are on the tail end of the bargain as brokers dictate the farm gate prices.


    Storage remains a nightmare in the potato value chain creating an immediate need for county governments to build coolers for farmers to use for storage and marketing. "We cannot have a potato industry without refrigeration.  You get best prices six months after harvesting and for this to be achieved farmers need technologies like small tractors for efficiency”,  he added.

     RELATED ARTICLE: Some 23,000 potato farmers to access markets

    According to the Agriculture Sector Development Support  Programme  - Coordinator in Bomet, Evelyne Mwangangi,a  value chain approach analysis in the potato sector unearthed major challenges from inputs supply to exit (markets). "Clean seeds supply is a challenge because producers are doing one variety here - the Dutch Robin being the preferred type by processors.


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    Bomet Potato farmer.

    Over the past two years the seed supply has been erratic. The County government has been trying to assist by bulking but it hasn't helped much.  "We reached a few farmers", said Mrs Mwangangi adding that due to the declining productivity, processors are going to Narok County denying Bomet farmers the much needed income.


    The potato woes in Bomet are exacerbated by poor post harvest handling leading to high losses due to reliance on rainfed production. "When rains are good harvests are good and the opposite obtains if the trend is in the reverse.  During glut farmers don't sell due to poor market links. Brokers take advantage and buy the produce at throwaway prices since farmers have to sell to avoid losing the harvest.

     RELATED ARTICLE: KEPHIS introduces 52 new disease resistant potato varieties

    According to Dr New, this can be addressed by establishment of cold storage facilities where farmers can store potatoes for longer enabling controlled selling. The facilities would also ease buyers’ pain and costs of having to move from farm to farm collecting potatoes.


    To mitigate against seasonal production the government of Bomet is building a mega dam to supply irrigation water and enable year-round production.


    Mrs Mwangangi has urged the development partners in Bomet to work together to solve the challenges instead of duplicating efforts with reduced impact.


    The National Potato Council of Kenya has compiled a catalogue of potato varieties available in the country and a list of dealers to enable farmers access information on where to purchase what seeds. 


    Among the seed producers are - Kisima, Karlo, ADC, Syngenta, Suera, Agreco, GTIL, Leah Rono, Gen-Biotech, Grace Rono, Singus Enterprises and Julius Kandie.  Farmers can also get clean tubers from Kimingi Farm, Narok.


    Failure to enforce the 2013 packaging at 50kg/bag law to eradicate the extended bags malpractice has continued hampering profitability and quality of potatoes. According to the Kenya National Potato Producers Association, only Meru County has succeeded in this endeavor, an indication that other growing regions could succeed if they committed to kick out the exploitative method.  



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    In the middle of a dry village in Kajuki, Tharaka Nithi County, a growing fruit and vegetable processing factory is proving Kenya can add value to fresh produce, increase farmer’s earnings and reduce post harvest losses.  

    Related article: Solar and wind hybrid drier saves food

    A confident Mercy Mwende,   the brains behind the trade name  Sweet ‘N Dried  Enterprises talks endlessly with eloquence about a project  she started through trial and error seven years ago driven by  desire to preserve mangoes in a dried form to prevent the losses she witnessed as a fresh fruits seller in Chuka town.

    Her efforts have gradually paid off and this year, USAID, through the Kenya Value Chains Enterprises (Kaves) project has funded an automated air drier to boost the factory’s processing capacity.

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    Kaves Chief of Party, Dr. Steve New says the grant is part of the USAID support to value addition and product diversification in Kenya to cut post harvest losses and increase incomes under the Feed the Future program. “Our studies indicate that we cannot increase production without embracing technology in production, processing and preservation.

    Related article: Potato value addition earns Nyeri farmers sh10000 daily

    There is a huge demand in the US and Europe for processed mangoes and Kenya can tap into this opportunity”, he said.  Due to sanitary and phytosanitary regulations, the US and Japan do not accept fresh mangoes yet the market for processed produce is huge, the studies indicate.

    Related article: Sorghum value addition opens new frontiers for Kenyan farmers

    The installation of the air drier comes at a time Sweet ‘N Dried is in the final stages of fulfilling safety certification standards for export markets, according to Ms Mwende.  “We have undergone HACCP assessment and we expect to be certified early next year”, she said.

    Sustaining an export market requires adherence to laid down food safety standards as well as traceability systems. Sweet ‘N Dried is set to introduce  Global Gap training for its  affiliate  farmers, an exercise Ms Mwende describes as capital intensive.  She requires adequate supply of mangoes for continuous production, sufficient storage facilities and efficient processing capacity.

    Currently, she is buying mangoes from 300 farmers in Tharaka Nithi, Meru and Embu.  “Export markets require huge regular supplies and I am working on up scaling production at the farms, storage and processing for continuous shipping of the processed products”, she says.

    Ms Mwende has been to Japan, a country she describes as the mother of value addition, Thailand, Dubai, China and Germany where her products have received good feedback.  She is processing export varieties of mango- Kent, Tommy and Apple.  A dried fruit can stay for up to years and tastes as good as a fresh one.  

    The story of Sweet ‘N Dried is typical of post harvest challenges in Kenya where due to seasonality of production, farmers suffer massive losses  arising from glut when markets get flooded leading to low sales and massive produce waste.  There are no policies and infrastructure for processing of fruits and other seasonal produce and preservation for year-round availability.

    The irony of this scenario is that Kenya imports fruit pulp for making juices despite ability to produce the raw material. In certain instances the country exports fresh produce like mangoes, pineapple and passion fruits; and imports concentrates to make juices losing out on the benefits of value addition.

    Ms Mwende suffered the same experience as a fresh mangoes seller. After collecting the fruits around the village for sale in Chuka town she would find other sellers competing for fewer buyers and more often than not she would throw away rotting fruits.

    She got increasingly concerned about the losses and decided to try drying of mangoes as a solution to curbing losses. With her co-director Mageria Migwi, the engineer who has worked and walked with Ms Mwende in creating the factory, they   surfed the internet and got little useful information on processing. 

    Apart from there being no smart phones at the time, the few internet cafes suffered poor network.  They got a little information on the drying process.

    The engineer in Mageria Migwi cobbled up an open dryer in which they placed all the fruits they could lay their hands on – mangoes, bananas, avocado. The banana and mango dried but the avocado turned black. For four years Mageria continued experimenting with improvements at every stage.  He says engineers are patient and get encouraged with any outcome of a process because it offers something to learn.  He finally got a machine that could dry fruits and vegetables.  Banana was the flagship product.  Since then, Sweet ‘N Dried has three main lines – fruits, vegetables and flour. On the fruits line it is producing dry mango, bananas and pineapple slices while French beans, carrots, moringa, kales and spinach line the vegetables segment. The products are sold as Sweet ‘N Dried branded or in bulk to customers who wish to rebrand.  Depending on customer and market requirements the products presented as flour (single or mixed), slices, powder or dried vegetables.

    Ms Mwende is showing the importance of processing in the value chain. “There is too much emphasis on production but not enough on marketing. Farmers are increasingly finding themselves with increased production without markets.”  She laments.

    Succeeding in production was one thing.  Who would buy dried products in an environment where fresh produce was readily available? Ms Mwende travelled to Nairobi and walked long distances searching for shops.  One day she walked from the City Centre to Yaya Centre and luckily she found a shop selling dried stuff in Valley Arcade.  She had samples which the shopkeeper liked. He not only took all her samples but asked for more and more.

    From Valley Arcade she continued with her trek and arrived in Karen’s Giraffe Centre where another shop agreed to stock her products. “From the start I knew I was not producing for the locals therefore I went to where the market would be found”, she said.

    The factory expansion is driven by customer demand.  Some who saw dried mangoes asked for dried sweet potatoes, carrots, arrowroots and other traditional foods. She is processing eight crops – banana, mango, carrots, French beans, pineapple, pumpkin, moringa, kales and spinach and traditional vegetables

    Mr Mageria on the other hand, whose name connotes trying again and again says he can tell the best technology in fruits processing, having been the engineer behind Sweet ‘N Dried. He is working on expanding the technology and improving machinery.

    Going forward, Sweet ‘N Dried plans to start a biofuel plant using the tons of waste from the fruits to power the plant as part of its green economy programme. Currently they are operating with a generator as they wait for Kenya Power to connect the factory to the national grid, which is taking longer and is a costly undertaking.

    Sweet ‘N Dried has employed 30 workers, 90 per cent of these local women with who she relates with as one extended family.   

    Mwende lamented that while the Meru region led in banana production, nothing in the markets tells a buyer where the product originated. “If we did value addition, branded our bananas and packed the fruits nicely farmers would earn more”, she added.

    But, she interjects her own thoughts; this is changing as focus shifts to profiling products through partnerships with governments and support organizations.

    When USAID started supporting enterprises involved in value addition, Sweet ‘N Dried was identified as a partner project through field days and trainings. Ms Mwende shared her experiences of transporting ingredients to Chuka for milling and taking the flour it back to Kajuki for packing and back again to Chuka for sale, USAID supported the installation of a milling plant which kicked off the beginning of today’s Sweet ‘N Dried. a




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    In 2013, Jastus Nyambane Ongeri, cleared all is banana plantation from his half an acre farm as a way of getting rid fusarium wilt, a disease that had caused their leaves to turn yellow and stunted their growth. Four years later, he harvests 30 bunches a week, earning him Sh24000 when unripe and Sh60000 when ripe.

    “I did not know what was ailing my bananas until I visited the Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (Kalro) stand at the Kisii agricultural show. There I met banana culture experts whom I talked to and told me the cause of my banana problems,” said Ongeri.

    “Unfortunately, I did not have enough money to buy the pesticides recommended and was advised to clear my farm and start afresh.”

    RELATED ARTICLE: KALRO selling high quality Banana Tissue culture seedlings

    His bananas were suffering from banana wilt diseases- fusarium wilt (also called the Panama disease) and Xanthomonas wilt diseases which were causing him considerable losses in terms of production and income.

    After destroying all the vegetation on his farm he tilled it and went for new Grand Nain variety of banana seedlings at Sh100 each from a Kalro extension officer in Kisii County. Ongeri then planted them in already prepared furrows measuring 30 by 60cm. He then used the organic manure from his cow shed mixed it with the top soil to plant the seedlings and he spaced 1.82m by 1.52m which saw piece of farm carry 1815 bananas.

    To meet the water need of the bananas, the Suneka sub-county farmer is dug and installer a damliner in his farm that is 4.6m long by 3.6m wide which helps him collect enough water during rainy seasons and use it to irrigate during the dry seasons. He backs this up with three centimeters thick layer of dry grass and dried banana leaves around the corm or suckers as mulch at the onset of any dry season.

    RELATED ARTICLE: Irrigation boosts banana yield by 30%

    “Banana farming needs enough preparation and management in order to realize enough production. This is why I water harvest and just before the start of dry season I spread some grass and old banana leaves to prevent excess water loss from the soil,” said Ongeri.

    He also weeds twice a week to prevent any weed establishment especially when the bananas are still young further making sure that the last one or two hands of the bunch are removed.This facilitates fruit development of the remaining bunches and increases bunch weight.

    “I harvest my bananas by cutting the stems and carefully lowering bunches down placing it in a padded basket with banana leaves to avoid brushing. Mature bananas without marks or injuries have high demand by the consumers,” said Ongeri.

    RELATED ARTICLE: Agreprenuer earns twice from ripening other farmers' bananas

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