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    By Lydia Gichuki

     Galla goats, which mature much faster than the common Small East Africa (SEA) indigenous breeds, are earning semi-arid farmers as much as Sh42,000 after nine months, thanks to their ability to gain weight rapidly after a dry spell, resistance to gastro-intestinal parasites and infectious diseases, and a host of other stellar characteristics.

    Antony Mutembei a certified breeder and veterinary from Tharaka Nthi County says rearing the goats is also very cheap, even for farmers with low incomes, as they are hardy browsers and can feed on most types of vegetation, including shrubs and twigs, making feeding affordable for many farmers.

    Moreover, where indigenous breeds are often jumpy and very unfriendly, the Gallas are easy to manage as they are friendly and docile.

    Related News: Farmers prefer Galla breed to traditional goats for quick cash

    Larger in size than other goats, Gallas build more meat, with their ample bone structure for muscle formation, and they gain weight rapidly even where the conditions are harsh.

     “I sell a male Galla goat at six months at Sh8,000 which most of my customers sell at Sh50,000 at 15 months when it fully matures and can weigh up to 60 kilograms. For the females, at six months, I sell at Sh7,000 and they can be sold at Sh30,000 when they fully mature at 15 months,” said Mutembei

    That compares with the indigenous breed gains of around 40kg for males and 20kg for females, which fetch market prices of Sh8,000 to Sh15,000 when fully matured.

    Due to their faster reproduction cycle, female Gallas can also be served at six months and produce two more kids before fully maturing, as their gestation period is 150 days. Meanwhile, the males can generate income through the insemination of other goats at a fee Sh500 from as early as five months, while awaiting maturation.

    Related News: How to import breeding goats into Kenya

    As producers of milk, the Galla goats are known as milk queens, as they produce 3 litres of milk a day, compared to crossbreeds, which produces 1.5 litres, and indigenous breeds, which produce 0.5 litres a day.

    The milk is highly sought after due to its nutritional value, which makes it pricey, with a litre selling for  Sh200 at the farm gate and Sh300 in supermarkets.

    Goat milk is superior to cow milk, because it is high in calcium and amino acids, which are necessary for the development of healthy bones, and has 35 per cent fatty acids, compared with 17 per cent in cow milk, and is lower in cholesterol and fat content, which makes digestion faster and is recommended for children and for those who are sickly or recuperating.

    However, to get the full benefits from the goats, Dr Kipkemoi Changwony, Director of the Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (Kalro) Sheep and Goats Institute in Marsabit, advises farmers to acquire breeds from Kalro or from breeders certified by the Directorate of Veterinary Services, to avoid being conned into buying half breeds.

    Certified Galla goats have better survival rates, as they are vaccinated against diseases as part of the procedures laid out by the directorate.

    Kalro sells its certified goats each November, in an auction which is advertised in national newspapers with the dates and venues.

    Other certified Galla goat sellers include:

    Antony Mutembei-0717411815

    Festus Mbuvi-0711752285

    Akif Dr-07207333509

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    By Fredrique Achieng’

    Onesmus Muthuri needed a steady supply of organic food, when, late last year, his daughter was diagnosed with hyperactivity and doctors recommended she eat only organic foods. The advice sent him searching for organic food suppliers and the quick realization that the market was underserved – which launched him into vertical organic farming.

     “I began this venture six months ago after my daughter was diagnosed with hyperactivity and doctors recommended she be fed on completely organic foods. I grow strawberry, garlic and spring onions and am looking into growing vegetables commercially too. The good thing about vertical farming venture is that one can easily grow any crop that we use on a daily basis such as Sukuma wiki, coriander, pumpkin and several others,” said Muthuri.

    Thus, with his own home’s organic needs fed with the common crops, he moved to develop the strawberries, garlic and spring onions commercially. The vertical gardens also helped to conserve water, as the staking helps minimize evaporation and water consumption, meaning he only water crops up to twice a week.

    Related News: Strawberry runners from certified nurseries offer farmers a kilo a year

    On his 10 by 50 farm, Onesmus is using different varieties of vertical farming such as sacks for vegetables, pyramids for strawberries and stories for a variety of herbs.

     “One vertical pyramid holds around 100-120 plants for my strawberries I have 8 pyramids that produce 30 kilos per weeks of harvest. Additionally, I only get to use 20 litres of water per week for each system, this really helps me in saving water consumption in my venture,” says Muthuri

    The most common soil mixture for vertical farming is a mix of soil, manure and 3kg of DAP and lime, but since Muthuri purely does organic farming he uses coarse vermiculite, compacted peat moss and compost.

    He is currently using a ratio of 25 per cent vermiculite, 25 per cent compost and 50 per cent of peat moss, which he mixes thoroughly with the soil. He then fills the sack with the mixture and waters it with about 30 litres of water to ensure that the soil is moist and start planting.

    Related News: Urban farmer scaling up his income by organic strawberry farming

    This kind of sack farming also makes crop rotation easy, as he can grow new and different options as he pleases. But strawberries are currently his top option, producing plenty for sale in the local markets and supermarkets in Kabete.

    Today, from his six sacks of strawberry plants, he harvests on average 20-30 kilos per week. He sells a kilo at Sh150 that translates to Sh4,500 per week.

    According to Kenya Organic Agriculture Network (Koan), the demand for organically grown foods has continued to increase as more and more Kenyans are concerned with the link between food and their health.

    Through his company Tawa Gardens, Muthuri also designs, Installs and maintains vertical farming systems for other farmers, at the cost of Sh500 to Sh6,000.

    Muthuri can be reached on 0722859681

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