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    Tilapia fish

    By George Munene

    The National Assembly's Committee on Agriculture— which controls Kenya's fisheries policy— has confirmed its plans to ban fish imports from China in a move aimed at protecting local fisheries and fishermen.

    “I don’t see why we should import from China when we have enough fish in the country. There is a lot of potential in our waters, we must capture it,” said Silas Tiren, head of the committee. 

    The value of Chinese fish imports into Kenya fell from Sh2.2 billion in 2019 to Sh1.5 billion last year owing to disruptions in fishing activities and its movement caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. China however still accounted for 70 percent of the country's fish imports.

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    Local fishmongers have turned to Chinese fish imports as they are often cheaper than locally caught fish. A kilogram of Kenyan fish sells for up to Sh400, while a similar cut of  Chinese imported fish costs about Sh250.  

    Kenyan lawmakers have accused China and other foreign countries of fishing from Kenyan waters and later selling the fish back to Kenyan consumers impoverishing local fishers.

    Kenyan fishermen are contending with a drop in the numbers of fish in major natural fishing grounds and a proliferation of foreign-owned fishing vessels on the country's shores. In Lake Victoria, fish numbers have been on a steady yearly decline. In 2020, the number of fish caught dropped from 90,000 to 86,000 metric tonnes. Lake Naivasha fish numbers have dropped by over 60 per cent over the last few months owing to overfishing, illegal fishing, and cold weather.

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    According to Global Fish Watch, between May and August fishing vessels mainly from Italy, China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong recorded about 50,000 hours of fishing on Kenyan shores. These industrial fishing vessels leave slim pickings for local artisanal fishermen.

    Per the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Kenya produces 120,000 tonnes of fish against an annual demand of 700,000 tonnes.

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    Arrowroot farming

    By George Munene

    With recent headlines of an entire sack of potatoes selling at the same price as two plates of chips, it has become increasingly evident that farmers need to rethink existing models of getting their produce to market. Elisha Mukoya, an arrowroot farmer at Mumias has done just that. This has enabled him not only to improve his earnings but provide a source of income for several previously unemployed young men. 

    "Rather than selling my produce through brokers who are often looking to undercut farmers, I teamed up with seven young men based in Kakamega to whom I supply every week with two 90 kilogram bags of nduma each," he said.

    Before they get started, Elisha sets them up with a shed to sell out of. It is fitted with a jiko, sufuria and a couple of benches. They are then required to come up with about Sh1,000 every week to keep the business running. This supplies charcoal, water, sugar, and miscellaneous expenses.  

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    They sell to consumers directly when the ndumas are still raw or add value through boiling. Given clients are not in short supply they prefer to boil the arrowroots which earn them more. 

    A sack of arrowroots holds 400-500 pieces, each one is split up to four times and sold for ten shillings. From the two sacks, each of the young men collects Sh23,000 at the end of each week. From their earnings, Elisha charges them Sh8,000 for every sack.

    His biggest challenge is one every farmer would love to have: a shortage in supply.

    "Farm-to-table farming demands consistency in the delivery of produce without any shortages or delays, " he informs.

    Related News: Mumias farmer mints millions supplying underserved arrowroot market

    With in-demand crops that are consumed with little value addition, he urges other farmers to explore innovative ways they can reach consumers. This improves their overall earnings as well as integrating other earners into the agricultural value chain.

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    milk can

    By George Munene

    The government is targeting an increase in the current Sh33 minimum milk buying price to encourage improved production by farmers. Poor rains across the country and the high cost of feed have contributed to dwindling milk supplies, which have fallen short of meeting the existing demand.

    "The newly embarked on regulations within the dairy sector will in time lead to improved production from our farmers as they will now be guaranteed a return on their investment. As the demand for milk continues to outstrip its supply we have resolved to review the existing minimum milk buying price. This will be continually done every six months, adjusting to prevailing market conditions," said Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya at a field day at the University of Embu on Friday. 

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    At the event organised by the Kenya Dairy Board (KDB), Munya pointed out that with proper stewardship of the dairy sector, Kenya has the capacity to produce enough milk to supply the local market as well as becoming a major player in its export.

    KDB Managing Director Margaret Rugut informed that the parastatal had trained over 100 dairy farmers in Embu in an effort to improve on the current 45 million litres produced by the county's farmers which is well below the current demand.

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    "However, we have observed an improvement in the quality of milk produced by farmers after constructing a milk laboratory in Embu Town, " she said.

    Rugut assured farmers that the board was working to put up more coolers across the county which has been a major complaint raised by dairy farmers.

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