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    FarmBizAfrica is a service driven by the belief that agribusiness is key to Africa’s economic take-off.

    The news service is dedicated to increasing yields and revenues for smallholders that account for the livelihoods of 70 per cent of Kenya’s population.This mission has created a substantial audience for FarmBizAfrica, with proven spending power.

    According to FinAccess, in 2016 there were 3.9m self-employed Kenyans, but only 123,000 of them were in the formal sector. The majority of Kenya’s self employment is informal and more than a third of it is in agriculture.

    Moreover, the informal sector is the bedrock of the country’s wealth. Of Kenyans earning over Sh100,000 a month, 76,000 are in the formal sector, and 213,000 in the informal sector.

    More than 90 per cent of FarmBizAfrica’s readers are aged 20 to 45 years and are economically active. Within that total audience, the website reaches a considerable audience of ‘peri-urban farmers’, often in formal sector employment or self-employment, but running subsidiary agricultural activities.

    On this basis, FarmBizAfrica’s target market has substantial spending power, which is further proven by the level of engagement and buyer enquiries from the site’s readers.

    Through the website, its direct-mail e-newsletters, and its associated social media pages, FarmBizAfrica has a unique reach to an absolutely targeted audience of active and entrepreneurial farmers, who report high loyalty and appreciation of the news service.

    The website has also achieved an outstanding reputation for its quality and contribution to food security, winning now four international awards, from the East African Community, United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, Nepad/CTA, and the Africa Story Challenge, and was a finalist in the Africa Climate Change and Environmental Reporting Awards.

    Audience Reach                                  

    FarmBizAfrica has a social media reach in excess of 1,200,000 a month, and achieves almost half a million additional website page views a month. It also runs a farmers’ contacts database of more than 5,000 subscribed farmers and agricultural organisations.

    In addition, it has an excellent search engine reach, with problem solving farmers more likely to arrive on from a Googlesearch than on any other information source - via more than 19,600 existing direct links to

    The website’sfarmers'news comes at the top of almost every specific Kenyan and East African farming related search on Google, appearing above all other business and specialist information sources on the subjects searched.

    Choosing your ad

    We run an independent adserver ,through which we setup your advertising campaign. We set it to appear for the time you have paid for, in the ad spots you want. You can also run multiple ads, with different messages and themes showing at different times and in different ad spots.

    We can prepare your artwork, or take your own, and will support any number of changes in art work. We also offer ongoing feedback and guidance on response rates and “sticky” branding,tomaximize your responserates.

    We produce monthly reports on the number of 'click-thrus' you have had on your ad, as well as the number of views, and can assist with tools to ensure that each click-thru is best converted into a sale.

    On its news website, FarmBizAfrica provides five advertising positions, designed for all budgets and needs.

    Homepage only


    Ad Type

    Cost Per Month (Sh.)


    Dimensions: Width x Height (Px)


    Splash Ad


    Top Right

    413 x 349


    SME Ad


    Mid Left

    262 x 150


    Strip Ad


    Mid Page

    1140 x 120

    Across site, in all news stories


    Ad Type

    Cost Per Month (Sh.)


    Dimensions: Width x Height (Px)


    Splash Ad


    Top Right

    413 x 349


    SME Ad


    Mid Left

    262 x 150

    We also offer:

    • e-newsletter advertising: display advertisement Sh2,000 + VAT per newsletter
    • promotional Tweets with reach of 750,000, Sh10,000 per Tweet, to a maximum of four a month
    • promotional FaceBook posts, with reach of 500,000, Sh7,000 per post, to a maximum of four a month
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