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    Farmers with limited pieces of land can keep up to 20 hives within an area of about 240 square feet by constructing temporal structures   a few metres from homesteads.

    Bee rearing Nyabwaroro Self-help Group Chairman Ezekiel Ndege said the simple timber structures help in restraining animals and human beings from disturbing the bees besides maximising land usage.

    One may require about a quarter an acre to raise 20 bee hives under trees and artificial sheds away from homes. But such a house will need only 0.0055 acres.

    “A timber walled house with an iron sheet rooftop measuring 12 feet by 20 feet can host up to 20 Lonngstrath hives placed about three feet apart. The house reduces unnecessary human and animal contact with the bees as well as safety of the bees from thieves,” he said.

    BeehivehouseNdege.Nyamira. KemuntoNyamiraCountyLaban.JPG

    Keeping bees near home also reduces attacks from pests like snakes and other birds, which are prevalent in forest areas and along river banks.

    Ndege, however, warns that the house must have openings to the rooftop to ensure that the bees exit vertically as they go searching for nectar.

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    In ordinary set ups, cows, goats, and other animals may rub themselves against trees holding suspended hives, therefore initiating attacks.

    Bees are aggressive when they move horizontally. If they are obstructed during their movement into or out of the hives, they take offence. One sting triggers the entire stock to rise against the ‘intruder’ because of the smell of the venom.

    Nyangaresi Nyamira, a member of another group who has set up 10 hives in a timber structure, said growing crops like Napier grass outside the houses helps in redirecting any bee that may be moving horizontally to the vertical direction.

    “The timber protects objects that children may throw at the hives. Animals will only rub themselves against the walls of the house, without necessarily shaking the wooden boxes. This reduces the danger of attacks,” Nyamira said.

    His 10 hives are housed in a timber structure that is less than 20 metres from his house at Borioba Village, Nyamira County.

    Ndege said the structures are also effective in securing the hives from harsh environmental conditions such as strong wind, the sun and the rain.

    Strong sunlight makes wax to melt while rain deteriorates the wooden boxes, therefore, reducing their life span.

    The roof is 15 metres high, to allow for free air circulation and reduce warming up during hot days.

    Nyamira is a member of Geturi Vision Women Group, which comprises 11 women and four men.

    They are supported by World Vision and Nyamira County government.

    PHOTO: FROM LEFT: Ezekiel Ndege, Nyangaresi Nyamira and his wife Kerubo at one of an incomplete bee-hive timberhouse house at Borioba Village, Nyamira County on August 14, 2016. Housing bees rmaximises land usage besides reducing aggression from the insects. PHOTO BY LABAN ROBERT.

    For honey enquiries, Ndege can be reached on +254716338690


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    An international agricultural research organisation has launched a cheap and easy to use device for detection of aflatoxin in harvests of cereals and seeds.

    International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) scientist Anitha Seetha said the kit does not require technical skills in testing or interpreting outcomes, therefore, appropriate for every farmer.

    Currently, aflatoxin tests are done by technicians in laboratories. It takes one day or more to get the result. But the easy to read kit gives results in 15 minutes.

    “The device will contribute to manage and reduce the entry of aflatoxins in the food value chains, improve diagnosis for local and export trade and support the food processing industry to maintain low exposure levels in food products in our local markets as well as for export markets,” she said.


    The kit will be available for farmers from October 2016, at a cost of Sh200.

    Seeds and grains stored in damp areas or have not been dried to the required levels risk being attacked by the fungus, which is a deadly poison to animals and humans if ingested.

    READ ALSO: Three layered bags stem post harvest losses, aflatoxin

    When a test sample is subjected to the kit for test, a pink line confirms presence of the poisonous fungi. Two pink parallel lines show absence of the poisonous fungi, Dr Seetha said.

    Dangers of aflatoxins

    Food and Agricultural Organisation says a quarter of the global food sources are affected by the aflatoxins.

    Kenya destroyed 155 metric tonnes of maize in 2014 after more than 120 people died of aflatoxin poisoning.

    READ ALSO: Moisture meters tame aflatoxin poisoning in Uganda

    Aflatoxins are poisonous chemicals produced by fungi attacking maize, groundnuts, cassava, chillies, sorghum, among other seeds and cereals.

    Maize, Kenya’s staple food, is the commonest grain attacked by the fungi if it is stored in humid areas. Before storage, farmers are asked to ensure maize has been dried to less than 12 per cent moisture content.

    Aflatoxins causes liver cancer, stunted growth in children, fluid retention, like urine, loss of appetite, reduced yields, among others.

    It causes 100 per cent loss in cases of attack.

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