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    Drone edited

    By George P. Munene

    After 13 years in the aviation sector, retired Captain Dan Ng'ong'a has meshed his newfound passion for agriculture and his aviation background to help farmers master precision agriculture that helps them raise their yields and cut on costs.

    “A drone fitted with an 18-liter tank can cover five acres of farmland in just 15 minutes. This is compared to conventional human spraying that takes 4-5 hours and up to three rounds of spraying with a 20-liter knapsack sprayer to cover an acre of land. This means agrochemicals that would for example last a month can be stretched to last for two months instead,” Ng'ong'a explains.

    “As a farmer myself (he runs Danico Ventures—a mixed farm located at Emakoko, Kitengela) I am all too aware of the major pain points for Kenyan farmers; how to improve yields while managing the cost of production,” he says.   

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    Having gotten his drone license and registered his business, the former Kenya Airways pilot has embarked on helping transform Africa’s agricultural landscape focused on unearthing practical solutions for small-scale farm holders' that help improve their bottom line.

    Most of Africa's population is, directly and indirectly, dependent on agriculture, practiced mostly by small-holder farmers and the multiplier effect of having marginal gains in the sector could be transformational for the continent he contends.

    “We are focused on offering the right value proposition to small-scale farmers: collating 20 farmers paying Sh2000 each for a service rather than one large scale farmer paying a similar amount will have a larger footprint in the transformation of Africa's agriculture,” Dan elucidates.

    Danico Drones offers a bouquet service; from soil testing and analysis, crop scouting and crop spraying. 

    The company uses scanning technology for soil tests meaning the results are instantaneous; they're received after just five minutes, unlike the usual KALRO results which take two weeks. As standalone samples for an acre soil tests cost farmers Sh2000.

    “We encourage smallholder farmers to pool together to make it economically feasible to reach regions further out from where we are headquartered in Nairobi,” Ng'ong'a says.

    For scouting services, a drone can cover two acres in just five minutes—it takes real-time aerial pictures of a farm which are then stitched onto a map which forms the basis of analysis. This gives the farmer the ability to better plan their farm. 

    For plant pest and plant diseases analysis they are able to reflect different amounts of visible light (VIS), near-infrared (NIR) light VIS and NIR light, which are a measure of how healthy plants are. By measuring the changes in visible and NIR light reflected from a crop, farmers can spot potential health issues in their crop. Unmanned aerial vehicles also allow for targeted spraying—zeroing in on the exact area a farmer should be looking to apply agrochemicals on their farm. This helps save on chemical application costs and is useful for farmers looking to minimise their use of chemicals. The technology also integrates remedies for crop stresses such as diseases which can be sought through mobile crop advisory apps.

    Farmers also get an exact bearing on the plant population on their farm allowing them to have an accurate reading of their expected yield. Other important measures are weed analysis and agriculture applications such as fertilizer, pesticides, and water distribution.

    All this allows farmers to practice precision agriculture ensuring inputs – nutrients, pesticides, seeds or water are used with exactitude and strategically improving productivity and resource efficiency, reducing costs and exerting minimal environmental impact.

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    Aerial survey rendering cost Shs 5,000 with crop scouting and analysis costing a further Sh5,000 per acre. Crop spraying cost Sh 2,500 for every acre with a minimum acreage of four acres

    “With time the data bank we hope to collect can also be useful to national and county governments for better planning by helping determine the most impactful agricultural interventions as well as private players such as agricultural insurance firms in helping set premiums,” says Dan.

    The company is currently drafting an operational plan for use of drones in combating the locust menace that has swarmed East Africa.  

    Danico Drone Services:


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    118672732 10207737376148813 7099141613297630535 n

    By George Munene

    A solar insect light trap is one of the most effective tools of insect pest management in both organic and conventional agriculture as it mass-traps both insect pests sexes reducing farm pest burden by up to 80 per cent.
    Light traps are energy-saving and easy to use and independent of electricity allowing farmers to monitor and control insect pests. As a one-off 5–6-year investment it significantly reduces the repeated costs of buying pesticides.

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    With a majority of flying pests harmful to crops being nocturnal, they are hard to control by conventional methods. Light traps, one for every half an acre, used at the onset of the planting season control nearly all the insect pests that attack crops from fruit borer moths, hoppers to fruit weevils. By attracting and killing one adult moth, for example, farmers can control around 300-400 subsequent insect progenies.
    Light traps also help farmers figure out what types of insects are there in the field and whether they are at a controllable level or not. If the insect population burden is too heavy to be controlled by a light trap the farmer can decide on a more potent pest management method they’ll have to take up.
    The solar insect light trap has the advantages of being portable; it can be easily fixed at any place of the crop field using a tripod stand and can be shifted easily from one plot to another. They are made of steel and plastic and powered by a 10–15-watt solar panel. It should be set 3-5 feet from the floor— the height at which flies typically travel. It is also automated; switching on at 5 pm and going off at 8 am; meaning the farmer does not require to examine it all the time.

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    One downside to using light traps is that they do not filter out what insects are attracted to them meaning some nocturnal beneficial insects can also be caught and killed. With time their UV coating also wears off and even though the lamps still light, it needs replenishing or else it won't attract and trap as many flying Insects.

    Organic Farm 2 Home Ltd: 0711303668

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    By George Munene

    A private company, Manufacturing on Wheels Limited, has teamed up with the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology to roll out motorbike powered and mobile agro-processing machines. The first system scheduled for commercial rollout taps motorbike power to drive a manual coffee pulper that can process up to 400kgs of cherry per hour compared to just 50 kilograms farmers archive through manual pulping.

    A drive system developed by the university’s engineering team connects to a motorbike engine using a coupler which transmits power to the pulping machine at a pocket friendly cost with one liter of petrol working 800 kilograms of coffee beans.

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    The shaft is connected to the boda-boda engine with minimal disruption meaning motorbike riders will be able to easily repurpose their bikes into processing machines. Manufacturing on Wheels Limited is looking to recruit boda-boda operators, especially in rural regions cut off from the national grid, to acquire the drive system and offer the threshing and pulping service at a fixed per kilogram fee to coffee farmers in their regions. The service will also include post-processing training and management, grading, pricing and sales coordination.

    Beyond enhancing production capacity, the new invention also promises to improve the quality of coffee produced.” With this machine the rate of revolutions per minute is constant, which is not achievable in manual pulping, this reduces bean breakage to a negligible one percent. Due to its quick working time the machine also retains the foam or mucus formed while pulping which enhances the coffee’s fermentation and improve its taste,” explains Dr Fredrick Mwema an engineering lecturer at the Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. 

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    The Nyeri county government is working to avail the automated coffee pulping machine to farmers. “We are training boda-boda riders to provide coffee pulping services as a business helping them earn an income and streamline our agricultural value chains,” says Benjamin Gachichio the county’s Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries CS.

    Dedan Kimathi University of Technology Institute of Food Bioresources Technology (IFBT): +254729 373 564


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