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    Ag­ri­cul­ture De­vel­op­ment Cor­por­a­tion im­ports 19 S.A bulls to raise semen out­put

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    By George Munene

    The Ag­ri­cul­ture De­vel­op­ment Cor­por­a­tion(ADC) has im­por­ted 19 ma­ture bulls from South Africa at a cost of Sh14 mil­lion that will help in­crease the out­put of semen for dairy farm­ers by over 30 per cent over the next 12 months.

    “We have already sub­sid­ised the cost of semen from Sh2000 to Sh200 per dose at our of­fices in Kitale and these bulls will give farm­ers a 98 per­cent surety of con­cep­tion. We ex­pect that this will add tre­mend­ous value to our farm­ers and have a marked im­prove­ment in the lives of cattle keep­ers in the coun­try”, ex­plained ADC Man­aging Dir­ector Mo­hammed Bulle.

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    The bulls com­prise of seven su­per­ior breeds that in­clude Friesian, Guern­sey, Ayrshire, Red Angus, Here­ford, and Si­mental breeds that were scouted from breed­ers in West­ern, East Cafe and Free State. This will help give Kenyan farm­ers im­proved breed di­versity across vari­ous com­mon beef and dairy breeds.

    In two weeks time, the im­por­ted bulls will join 40 of the 51 bulls that are in pro­duc­tion at ADC’s Kitale sta­tion and will in­crease semen pro­duc­tion from 30,000 doses per month to 50,000 doses per month which will be a very big boost in pro­duc­tion for farm­ers.

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    “Farm­ers can now source for cer­ti­fied semen from ADC of­fices and or­gan­isa­tions man­dated to handle semen in the coun­try in­stead of sourcing for ex­pens­ive im­por­ted semen from un­trust­worthy sources when this bulls are already in the coun­try,” added Bulle.

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