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    KALRO's Damaris Kagendo holds a bottle with avocado oil as she explains to a farmer  how the Oil Press Manual Extractor works on October 29, 2016 during the Kitale ASK Show. The easy to use machine helps farmers press oil from  ripe avocados for sale. PHOTO BY LABAN ROBERT.

    Avocado farmers, who have poor access to markets, can extract cooking oil from ripe fruits for sale to save on rotting using a cheap manual pressing machine from Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation, KALRO.

    The machine extracts pure cooking oil from ripe avocados, which can be packaged and sold upon approval from regulatory authorities like Kenya Bureau of Standards.

    The Oil Press Manual Extractor does not require electric or fuel energy other than that of the farmer ‘crashing’ the ripe part of the avocado through the funnel-like chamber.

    Damaris Kagendo, a KALRO officer in Kitale, said besides helping the farmers in boosting earnings, the extractor could shield them against rotting losses when there is no ready market for the produce.

    READ ALSOCentral Kenya avocado farmers enjoying export opportunity

    A farmer has to manually remove the skin and the seed of the fruit to remain with the green or yellowish pulp.

    “Half a litre of the oil fetches about Sh90. Although the determination of the shelf-life has to be done after laboratory tests, the oil does not require any preservative to prevent it from going bad. And its life is longer than a ripe avocado that rots in a day or two,” Kagendo said.

    READ ALSO:Kenya takes to the sweet taste of the avocado market

    The machine separates the oil from pulp and the residue remains in the pressing chamber while oil exits through a downward facing outlet for filtering. The filtering chamber is separate. But a special sterilised white clothing can also be used to remove impurities from the oil for packaging.

    At least 10kg of ripe avocado pulp can give four to seven litres of the oil, depends on the quality of the fruits used.

    Besides being used for cooking and as butter, the oil is also a good skin ointment product.

    KALRO sells the machine at Sh40,000.

    For more details, please call +254733812953



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    Enkoho Kuku Farmers officer Silas Juma inspects a 48eggs capcity solar incubator at the Machakos Agricultural Society of Kenya Show on July 6, 2016. The incubator saves farmer from losses that my result from the common power outages. PHOTO BY LABAN ROBERT.

    Chicken farmers facing unreliable electricity supply from the national grid can is install solar incubators to avoid loses to power outages.

    Apart from supporting the hatching process, which must not be interrupted until the lapse of the 21 days incubation period, a solar powered machine cuts operational cost to farmers.

    A farmer buys a solar panel, power storage batteries and the incubator. The solar panels harness the sun energy and convert it into power for storage in lead batteries before supplying it to the incubator.

    Enkoho Kuku Farmers officer Gervase Waloki said if a farmer has high capacity solar panels and batteries, then they can revert to using the sun-tapped energy and only rely on the Kenya Power sourced electricity when the weather is unreliable. 

    READ ALSO:Kerosene incubator helps farmer crack poultry agribusiness

    Power outages in the country are common, and the effect is higher in rural areas where it takes hours running into days to b reconnected. 

    Solar energy is reliable, given that Kenya lies within the topics, where the sun is available for about 10 hours a day all year round.

    Silas Juma, who also works in the poultry equipment company, said the challenge is the purchase of the required equipment.

    “Although it may be expensive to buy all these equipment at once, returns are high since there will be no losses. At the same time, the solar power can reduce the monthly power bill to zero when there is sufficient sunlight,” Juma said.

    The company supplies solar incubators of capacity from 48 eggs to 5280 eggs. The incubators can run on direct current from Kenya Power or stored solar energy.

    READ ALSO:What to consider while buying one day old chicks

    A solar panel of 200 watts can convert enough power for a battery of 220volts to run a 48 eggs capacity incubator for 24 hours.

    If a farmer uses the solar power for the 48 eggs capacity incubator, they can save between 40 watts and 80 watts per hour, translating to a bill save of between Sh500 and Sh1,000. 

    READ ALSO:Fact Sheet: How to make poultry money using incubators

    “The secret is having more than one big capacity batteries for back up. Losing eggs two days prior to hatching because of power shortage is disastrous. A supplier of chicks earns reputation when they deliver on orders on time,” Juma said.

    The company sells the incubators from Sh19,000 to Sh350,000, depending on the egg capacity.

    Juma can be reached on +254729659490 while Wakoli can be reached on +254727474045.

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