JM So­cial Icons

    Gov­ern­ment steps up pyr­ethrum farm­ing re­vival is­su­ing 500,000 seed­ling to Na­k­uru farm­ers


    By George Munene

    500,000 pyr­ethrum seed­ling will be dis­trib­uted to 100 farm­ers in Na­k­uru County, as part of a gov­ern­ment ini­ti­at­ive aimed at re­viv­ing the crop’s farm­ing in Kenya.

    In the 1990’s Kenya con­trolled about 90 per­cent of the world’s pyr­ethrum mar­ket, giv­ing dir­ect em­ploy­ment to over 200,000 small­holder farm­ers. From a high of 18,000 tons in 1992, an­nual na­tional pro­duc­tion cur­rently stands at less than 500 tons.

    Re­lated News:Gov­ern­ment to provide 60 mil­lion pyr­ethrum seed­lings to boost crop

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    Speak­ing dur­ing the han­dover of a pyr­ethrum drier worth 1.8 mil­lion shil­lings to pyr­ethrum farmer groups in Sub­ukia, Na­k­uru, the county’s Deputy Gov­ernor Erick Korir, called for farm­ers to work closely with each other and pyr­ethrum pro­cessing firms to en­sure there’s con­sist­ency in the crop’s pro­duc­tion.

    “Youth need to join pyr­ethrum grow­ing groups to en­sure that the crop’s pro­duc­tion is sus­tained through the com­ing years,” added Korir.

    Re­lated News: County taps 10,000 farm­ers to grow pyr­ethrum, sisal, sun­flower, cof­fee, cot­ton and tea to di­ver­sify sources of in­come

    For framers, the state of the art drier means they can har­vest their pyr­ethrum leaves through the year re­gard­less of sea­son. The qual­ity of their sold pro­duce will also greatly im­prove, en­abling them to fetch bet­ter prices.

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