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    By George Munene

    Two months ago Jack Logongo was collecting five egg trays daily from his 200 six-month-old layers. The onset of cold weather in June however saw this drop to just one/ half a tray forcing him to sell off his flock.

    This is not a unique experience; according to studies, cold stress can cause laying hens to lose about four times more energy in order to maintain their body temperature. This can necessitate an increase in feed or it causes a slow down in egg production.

    “My chickens’ egg production cycle began in May-- the most inopportune time as it was right before the onset of the frigid June-August months. Unfortunately, I did not have a heating source for mature birds as I had not anticipated that they would require being kept warm to sustain their production,” he said.

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    The farmer based in Kitengela was looking to push his laying percentage to about 95 per cent, earning him Sh12,000-13,000 monthly. As a first-time chicken farmer, he had hacked his foray into the poultry business.

    As the chicken began laying in May he had almost to double their feed intake. He was spending Sh40,000 a month on feed with a 50-kilogram bag of Fugo layers mash costing him Sh3,490. This, he points out, would have been sustainable if his egg harvest hadn’t fallen off a cliff. 

    To try and mitigate the effects of the chilly weather Logongo invested in multivitamins which he says did not arrest the situation.

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    Having seen the potential in poultry keeping, he is not disheartened but considers this part of a learning curve: “I am planning on keeping 500 birds. But this time around I will have invested in a proper source of heat and sync my chickens to start laying around September,” Jack informed.

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    By George Munene

    Though Anthony Kamiti’s decision to grow blueberries--a superfruit rarely cultivated in Kenya-- might seem confounding, his answer to anyone who asks is simple: “There are few crops you can grow in Kenya that will earn you Sh2,000 a kilogram.”

    In 2019, the farmer based in Limuru, Kiambu County, was gifted five blueberry seedlings by a friend who had tried to grow the crop in Kenya for close to twenty years to no avail.

    Three years on, he is organically growing 45 pieces of the berry on a 25 feet by 30 feet piece of land.

    He credits his success to cultivating the crop in containers. This way he can easily regulate their pH levels, moisture, and compost content.

    He currently sells the superfruit in ¼ kilogram batches of Sh500 to regular buyers. This, he points out, is a below market price as the fruit retails locally for Sh2600 a kilogram.

    For a three to four-month harvesting season, he can get over 30 kilograms from his crop.

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    “Currently, the existing local market demand is insatiable. The fruits sold in local supermarkets are delivered by a handful of major suppliers, but the bulk of them are imported from South Africa. With the few plants I have, I can barely keep up with orders from individual buyers,” he said.

    Classed as a superfruit-- fruits that are very good for your health. Blueberries contain significant amounts of antioxidants, vitamin C, disease-fighting phytoflavinoids, and dietary fiber.

    Some of Kamiti’s customers are prescribed blueberries by their dieticians. 

    Despite its lucrative returns, owing to its novelty and the difficulty of its propagation, each seedling costs a tidy Sh2,000. This means its cultivation remains out of reach for many farmers.

    In his experience, diseases or pests affecting the crop are limited with only the cold weather majorly impacting their  production. 

    Growing the berry is also not labour intensive as they are low-maintenance plants compared to most other crops.

    With regular scouting, he is able to arrest pathogens by spraying a concoction of chili and garlic.

    “They’ll however need protection from birds which consume even the unripe fruit,” he added.

    Through his journey with blueberries, the biggest hurdles Anthony has encountered are regulating soil pH, propagation, and watering. 

    “It is easier for me to carry out soil amendments such as altering pH levels and watering when the crop is potted,” Anthony explained.

    The crop should be well watered ensuring the soil is always moist. 

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    He also advises against growing with farmyard manure as it can increase the alkalinity of the soil. Blueberries are famously acid-loving crops.

    The berry's cuttings root in three to four months and take at least two years to fruit. Seeds take longer time to germinate

    At its peak production, after more than eight years, they can give up to 10 kilograms of berries annually.

    They are a long-term crop with a lifespan of up to 20 years and can be harvested three to four years after planting.

    Anthony Kamiti: 0735 478880

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    By George Munene

    Fred's Animal Nutrition, a Thika-based animal feeds manufacturing company is helping reduce the feed cost burden for farmers by manufacturing 30 per cent cheaper poultry, pig, and dairy feed that give farmers better production than conventional feed suppliers.

    “A 70-kilogram bag of our layer mash costs Sh3,800 compared to traditional millers who are currently selling it for Sh4,000. This is between Sh30-20 less a kilogram, but gives our farmers better production,” said the project’s co-founder Okuta Ngura-- an animal health expert and poultry farmer for 13 years. 

    70-kilogram bags of the company’s growers mash will set you back Sh3,500. For pigs, sow and weaner feed costs Sh2,500 and lactator Sh2,800. All are priced lower than what is currently on the market.

    The company currently has a clientele of about 60 farmers. 

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    To solve the feed quality versus price riddle which has dashed many farming dreams in Kenya the company uses a novel concept of reducing many of the expensive sources of crude proteins in feeds such as soya and fish meal with amino acids.

    “By focusing on low protein diets for animals we are able to cut down on the most costly component of feeds and improve feed efficiency, ”Ngura explains.

    Bone meal and Dicalcium Phosphate (DCP), expensive sources of protein and calcium, are also replaced by the cheaper phytate phosphorus which is activated by enzymes.

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    Maize used in the rations is reduced with vegetable oils such as sunflower which have double the energy of carbohydrates further lowering the cost. 

    “We have just purchased a sunflower oil pressing machine to meet this anticipated demand for oilseed. Through this we will be hoping to create a market for sunflower growers in the country,” he informs.

    The company also sells feed ingredients and mixes them for farmers.

    Ngura poultry care: 0729 568151

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