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    avocado farming

    By George Munene

    The global demand for avocadoes is projected to double by 2024 according to a report by market watchers Infiniti Research Limited. Coupled with Kenya signing a deal gaining entry into the mammoth Chinese market on 25th April 2019, this makes avocado growing for the export market project as safe lucrative bet as any in farming.

    Data from the Avocado Society of Kenya and the Directorate of Horticulture shows that export sales of avocadoes to 42 countries in the first half of 2020 hit a record 58,400 tonnes.

    Related News: FarmBiz TV:Intercropping Hass and Fuerte avocadoes can earn more than double yields .

    Related News: Fact sheet: reliable Avocado buyers and exporters in Kenya

    Despite the momentary cessation of international travel occasioned by Covid-19, the country is projected to have earned Sh8 billion from avocado export. The record half year high is partly attributable to the pandemic, which has led to growing demand for fruits with avocadoes being highly recommended for their high alkaline content.

    “The increase also owes to more acreage in the country coming under avocado production and an improvement in the quality of fruit being produced by farmers. The global rise in demand only serves as more good news for our farmers,” says Avocado Society of Kenya Chief Executive Ernest Muthomi.

    With declining production in other regions of the world and a growing global demand, the country is tapping into; a four kilogram pack of fuerte avocadoes now fetches Sh1760 up from Sh1100 the previous year.

    Related News: How to grow avocados for export

    The European Union was Kenya’s biggest buyer of avocadoes at 45,737 tonnes as of June with the Netherlands the leading importer at 16.3million kilograms.

    Kenya is the world’s third largest producer of avocadoes and recently overtook South Africa as Africa’s largest avocado exporter.

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    By George Munene

    George Muturi, a 26-year-old farmer has cut a lucrative niche for himself in offering innovative organic farming solutions through the rearing of redworms, black soldier flies and growing azolla. Ventures which net him about Sh50,000 a month.

    Lacking school fees after completing his secondary education, Muturi began rearing poultry and rabbits in 2013, he however changed tack in 2015. “Through internet research I found the rearing of redworms to be a novel and more promising business opportunity. ICIPE (International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology) was encouraging farmers to take on the venture by offering free worms, from them I got my first batch, starting out with an aim to propagate the earthworms as a source of chicken feed,” Muturi says.

    However, due to their low production rates he opted to use them for vermiculture –production of an affordable organic fertiliser called vermicompost (a product of the decomposing vegetable or animal waste using species of worms) that he sells to other farmers for crop production. From making just 100-150 kilograms of vermicompost six years ago the resident of Lari, Kiambu County, now produces two tonnes of vermicompost monthly for his standing clients. He sells a kilogram for Sh50.

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    The worms feed on animal manure (he opts for the more available cow dung) as well as dry and wet leaves. For his production of two tonnes, he uses 200-300kg of earthworms and 2.5 tonnes of raw material. Whilst he is able to source vegetative material from his home he has to buy cow dung from neighbouring farms. This he says, runs his total cost of production to Sh25/Kg. He rears his worms in a simple shed made out of offcuts and nylon paper. The basic parameters to observe in setting up a vermicompost unit are ensuring it is shaded from direct sunlight; ensuring temperatures within the unit do not exceed 35°C or go below 15°C. The moisture content level also needs to hover at around 40%. The worms can be fed at one go or intermittently—about once every week and the fertiliser is ready for harvest after 45 days.

    Muturi’s newest project is the farming of azolla, a water fern that is rich in proteins and serves as a supplement to feed for chickens, ducks, pigs, fish, cattle, sheep, goats and rabbits. Azzola has been in vogue amongst poultry farmers in the know for its high rate of growth in water without displacing existing crops and its ability to proliferate without inorganic nitrogen fertilisation. “Again, through online research, I got to read up on the benefits of azolla as a supplement to traditional chicken feed, I got the seeds from one of the pioneering farmers in its growth in Nairobi, explains George. Muturi propagates his azolla in a foot deep 1.5M*7.5M artificial pond. The azolla is ready for harvest after just three weeks. Every three days one collects up to 10-15 kilograms. One kilogram of azolla is fit to provide sufficient dietary protein for up to 50 chickens. Most of his azolla is consumed by his chicken, though he sells 10-20 kilograms of it at Sh1000 per kilogram every month to other farmers.

    Related News: How to set a simple vermiculture system for your kitchen garden

    He also rears black soldier flies in a setup that farms 100 kilograms every two weeks—most of which he feeds to his chicken and pigs. He sells 15 kg of BSF larvae at Sh2000 per kg every month to starter farmers.

    George Muturi: 0717411668

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    WhatsApp Image 2020 10 22 at 10.30.29

    By George Munene
    At NjabinI, Kinangop Samuel Mbugua has built a seven-acre flower farm that rakes in Sh5M per season.
    “Having spent most of my adult life working in the flower sector; I have been a supervisor at flower farms for five years. I mastered all things flowers—from their growing to the market dynamics and in 2014 I gathered the courage to strike it out on my own,” says Mbugua.
    The 34-year-old majors in the farming of craspedias with 3 acres of his farm under the summer flower. On another four acres, he grows alliums and purpurea on two acres each. On a smaller half an acre he is currently farming scabiosas on a trial basis.
    Whilst the big flower farms major on roses, smallholder flower farmers are making their fortune in summer flowers used to adorn and blend bouquets.
    Entry hurdles
    Starting out he says, the biggest challenge most farmers face is land—“the flower export sector demands high quality and quantities.” You’ll need a minimum of two acres to qualify as a small scale export grower. The other challenge is the cost of seedlings and the availability of unadulterated seeds. Most seeds are manipulated due to crosspollination.

    Related News: Fact sheet on growing cut flowers for export

    Related News: Increased demand for Kenyan flowers in the US excites producers and exporters
    For his first crop, he bought seedlings from a neighbour also engaged in the trade. An uprooted craspedia can give 20-50 rooted splits. This makes their propagation easier.
    Cultivation cost
    For an acre, you will need 30,000-40,000 seedlings, and each seedling costs three shillings. Machine tilling and ploughing costs for an acre of virgin land average at Sh15,000. He spends Sh7,000 on hiring casual labourers to prepare the flower beds and Sh3,000 on planting. He uses four 50kg bags of organic fertilisers at planting and two bags of NPK fertiliser at top dressing done at five months during their vegetative phase and the crops’ first harvest. If you have adequate manure you do not need to use fetrtiliser at the planting phase.
    Craspedia require little water and is capable of going to up to a month without watering. Though watering is crucial at the planting stage when they are their most vulnerable. Given the usually favorable Kinangop climate, Samuel mostly relies on rainwater, but has sunk a well and has access to piped water if need be.
    “Pests affecting flowers are largely limited to cutworms and aphids sprayed on a scouting basis with Duduthrin and Thunder respectively,” Mbugua explains. Weeding is done on a monthly basis.
    Craspedias take 90 days to mature and are continually harvestable for up to a year with proper feeding. One plant gives about 100 stems every year. “Harvests are done once every week, but if well-tended to you can have two harvests in a week,” says Mbugua.

    Related News: Kenya’s flowers, fruits and vegetable earnings increase by 33 per cent in eight months
    An acre can give up to 500,000 flower stems.
    Mbugua exports his flowers mainly through Wilmar Flowers Limited. The prices vary depending on season peaking over the January to February window at five to 15 shillings per stem and falling to Sh3 per stem during off-peak months of August to September.
    Mbugua is working to increase his acreage and on getting an export license— this he says will enable him to sell his flowers at no less than Sh5 a stem throughout the year.

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