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    By George Munene

    Through hy­dro­ponic farm­ing, Peter Muiruri, a poultry farmer at Kiten­gela has been able to cut his feed­ing costs by over 40 per cent. 

    While it costs other farm­ers Sh700 to feed 100 chicken each con­sum­ing 140 grams in a day, Peter spends nearly half of this, Sh400 by sub­sti­tut­ing nearly 60 per cent of store-bought feeds with his own homegrown hy­dro­ponic fod­der. This en­sures he keeps his cost mar­gins low and reaps hand­some re­turns from his poultry ven­ture.

    Due to its high pro­tein con­tent, in the two and a half years he has em­ployed hy­dro­ponics, Peter who sup­plies su­per­mar­kets with kienyeji eggs says he has seen tre­mend­ous im­prove­ment in the im­munity of his flock. He points out that he rarely has any cause to use any an­ti­bi­ot­ics for his chicken. “The growth rate of my birds far sur­passes what I archived while feed­ing them on com­mer­cial feeds. Hy­dro­ponic fod­der coupled with the greens I grow to feed my birds has also en­sured I pro­duce au­then­tic­ally kienyeji eggs without re­sort­ing to using any ad­dit­ives,” he ex­plains. 

    Hy­dro­ponic farm­ing refers to the grow­ing of plants without soil but rather the use of wa­ter-based nu­tri­ent-rich solu­tions fed to plants with water en­sures the speed at which they ger­min­ate is in­creased greatly. 

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    The main im­ple­ments you will need to set up a hy­dro­ponic sys­tem of your own are trays, seeds (plant­ing ma­ter­ial), and water.

    With the cost of feeds hav­ing gone up by nearly 38 per­cent over the last four months, from Sh1850 to Sh2550. This has seen many poultry farm­ers wave good­bye to their poultry for­tunes with pro­duc­tion cost being un­man­age­able for most small-scale farm­ers. More than ever, al­tern­at­ive sources of poultry feed such as hy­dro­ponics are vital to en­sure chicken rear­ing re­mains prof­it­able.

    Eight to 10 kilo­grams of hy­dro­ponic fod­der can be pro­duced in six to seven days at a cost of just Sh12.5 a kilo­gram. For Muiruri, three trays; 30-24-kilo­gram worth of fod­der, is a suf­fi­cient daily feed sup­ple­ment for his 800 birds, mak­ing hy­dro­ponics a low-cost source of high-qual­ity nu­tri­ents. 

    For a stand­ard daily chicken ra­tion in­take of 140 grams, 70 per cent of this can be re­placed with hy­dro­ponic fod­der in kienyeji chicken and 30 per cent for broiler and layer chicken. 

    “Farm­ers should however be ad­vised to pro­gress­ively in­crease the amount of hy­dro­ponic fod­der sub­sti­tuted for com­mer­cial feeds, gradu­ally ob­serving their bird's pro­duc­tion levels and settle at the point where they achieve max­imum pro­duc­tion,” Peter coun­sels.

    Hy­dro­ponic fod­der should also be in­tro­duced to chicks while they are young, i.e., at two months for them to be used to these feeds and avoid shocks caused by a sud­den change in diet.

    The seeds can be those of bar­ley, wheat, oat, maize, sorghum amongst other cer­eals. The se­lec­ted seeds should not have over­growths and be chem­ical-free. Wheat and bar­ley have over 20 per cent pro­tein con­tent, the stand­ard re­quired by chicken, mak­ing them the more prefer­able op­tions.

    To pre­pare his seeds he soaks them in jik for 30 minutes to two hours. They are then washed and rinsed to re­move any jik residue. Seeds are fur­ther soaked for between four to 12 hours be­fore being drained and in­cub­ated in a bucket for two days after which their roots will have sprouted and they will be ready for plant­ing.

    Plant­ing is done by spread­ing the ger­min­ated seeds on the plastic trays--this can be store-bought or homemade. A 40cm by 1M tray will nor­mally hold about two kilo­grams of plant­ing ma­ter­ial which in a week's time will give you 8 to 10 kilo­grams of fod­der.

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    Wa­ter­ing should then be done every four or three hours until seven/six in the even­ing, this will be dic­tated by the cli­mate which af­fects the rate of evap­or­a­tion. The seeds and plant­lets are watered for six to seven days de­pend­ing on the fod­der’s even­tual use. Trays must have holes to allow for the drain­ing of ex­cess water which if left stag­nant on the trays will rot the seeds.

    Fod­der har­ves­ted from the third to fourth day can be used to feed month-old chicks while ma­ture chicken should be fed on fod­der that is at least six days old. 

    Hy­dro­ponic fod­der can also be fed to pigs, cows, goats or sheep.

    For more les­sons from Muiruri on hy­dro­ponics and other tips and tricks on cost-ef­fect­ive poultry-keep­ing check out his You­tube chan­nel;Farm­ers Point

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    FCC6 vUWEAc1Buq 1

    By George Munene

    200 Kenyan agriculture students will join Israeli Arava International Center for Agricultural Training, a center established to train agriculturalists from developing countries on advanced farming methods.

    The internship will encompass theoretical studies as well as practical training.

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    This training is part of a pledge made in 2020 by Israel to aid Kenya's agriculture sector weather the Covid-19 pandemic and help the country become food secure. 

    "The agri-training internship will provide knowledge that will help learners provide solutions to food security challenges upon their return to Kenya." said Deputy Ambassador of Israel Dvora Dorsman.

    At the end of their internship, the students who complete the program are given a chance to pitch their business ideas with the three best students having their agribusiness ideas being financed by The Israeli Agency for International Development Cooperation.

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    Through the length of their stay in the Middle Eastern country the learners will also get professional guided tours to give the students a rich experience of Israel.

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    By George Munene

    Using ar­ti­fi­cial and nat­ural nematicides small­holder farm­ers in Kenya can con­trol the potato cyst nem­at­odes (PCN), a pest that causes yield losses by at least 80 per cent.

    In a study of 20 potato grow­ing counties in Kenya Potato Cyst Nem­at­odes (PCNs) were ob­tained in 71.8 per cent of the counties with Nyandarua County at 47.6 per cent re­cord­ing the highest PCN field-incidence.​The situ­ation is fur­ther com­poun­ded by the fact the Shangi potato vari­ety grown by 65 per cent of farm­ers for its shorter dormancy and cook­ing time is the most sus­cept­ible to PCN.

    Pota­toes are the second most con­sumed food crop after maize in Kenya, however, pro­duc­tion has been on the de­cline: on a land­mass size of 133,532 hec­tares, the coun­try pro­duced 1.9 mil­lion tonnes of pota­toes in 2015. Over a cor­res­pond­ing period in 2017 however, Kenya's potato pro­duc­tion fell to 1.5 mil­lion tonnes off 192,341 hec­tares.

    With Nyandarua being the coun­try's potato bas­ket, ac­count­ing for up to 40 per cent of the  total pro­duc­tion of pota­toes, farm­ers in the county now pro­duce 18 bags, from ¼ acre, down from the pre­vi­ous 30 bags.

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    PCN, first re­por­ted in Kenya in 2015, is clas­si­fied by KEPHIS as a quar­ant­ine pest (a pest sub­ject to of­fi­cial con­trol and reg­u­la­tion due to the po­ten­tial eco­nomic dev­ast­a­tion it may present to an area) can lie dormant in soils for up to 20 years and in­fects 82 per cent of pota­toes grown across 22 counties.

    Potato plants af­fected by the PCN ex­hibit the fol­low­ing char­ac­ter­ist­ics:

    1. leaf dis­col­or­a­tion/yel­low­ing and wilt­ing
    2. root with cysts
    3. un­even tuber sizes on one potato plant
    4. re­duc­tion in the num­ber of roots
    5. dwarf­ing of potato tubers and the plant and, 
    6. re­duc­tion in the num­ber of crops

    The nem­at­odes caus­ing PCN are mi­cro­scopic worms, meas­ur­ing less than one mil­li­meter in size, mean­ing they are only vis­ible through a mi­cro­scope lens. As these symp­toms closely mimic water and nu­tri­ent de­fi­ciency in pota­toes, farm­ers are often left none the wiser on what is caus­ing a re­duc­tion in yields. 

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    Potato cyst nem­at­odes are spread by:

    1. Im­port­a­tion of in­fec­ted plants or plant ma­ter­i­als and
    2. loc­ally, by the spread of cysts through soil, wind, water and vehicles

    The total pro­duc­tion of basic potato seeds in Kenya stands at 6,700 met­ric tonnes, short of the 30,000 met­ric tonnes re­quired. Ac­cord­ing to KEPHIS, the in­formal sec­tor in Kenya ac­counts for about 70 per cent of potato seeds propag­ated by farm­ers across the coun­try, this makes the curb­ing of PCN al­most im­possible.

    The easi­est way of con­trolling potato cyst nem­at­odes is the use of nematicides, which are chem­ical pesti­cides used to kill plant-para­sitic nem­at­odes. Most nematicides are however burned for being toxic to the en­vir­on­ment. 

    Nematicides sold in Kenya in­clude:

    1. NEMATHORIN® 150EC
    2. Ad­ven­ture® 0.5% GR
    3. Alonze® 50EC
    4. Farmchance® 250 EC

    Stud­ies done in Kenya by sci­ent­ists from The In­ter­na­tional In­sti­tute of Trop­ical Ag­ri­cul­ture have found that cov­er­ing potato plant­ing seeds with ba­nana paper laced with min­imal doses of pesti­cides dur­ing plant­ing de­ters PCN’s from reach­ing the potato seeds.

    In stud­ies by the Uni­versity of Flor­ida Food and Ag­ri­cul­tural Sci­ences Ex­ten­sion de­part­ment crop­ping in Marigold flowers into pota­toes/cab­bages has also been sci­en­tific­ally proven to re­duce nem­at­ode at­tacks as they act as an al­tern­at­ive host for the nem­at­odes, but pro­duce nat­ural com­pounds that act as nematicides. This kills the nem­at­odes pre­vent­ing them from breed­ing. In time, the nem­at­ode pop­u­la­tion slowly de­creases.

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