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    dairy feeds

    By George Munene

    The Ministry of Agriculture is working on availing affordable and nutritious sources of dairy feeds to farmers in order to help scale down the ballooning cost of concentrate feeds.

    With a 50kg bag of the leading dairy meal brand costing about Sh2,175, many dairy farmers have complained that this significantly hampers their returns despite the prevailingly high milk buying price across the country.

    Speaking to dairy farmers at Chuka University Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya stated that the Agriculture ministry is setting up a board that will brainstorm on ways the burdening cost of dairy feeds can be reduced as well as vetting the quality of feeds in order to eliminate counterfeit products in the country.

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    Among the proposals mooted is the possibility of a contractual agreement between The Association of Kenya Feed Manufacturers (AKEFEMA) and the Cereal Growers Association (CGA). This would create a ready market for Kenya’s cereal growers as well as potentially reduce the cost of feeds by up to 50 per cent.

    During the farmers’ field day Munya said that the Government is committed to increasing milk production to 15 litres per cow so as to empower farmers economically.

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    grass roots economics

    By George Munene

    Across Kenya, in Kilifi, Kwale, Kakuma, Embu, West Pokot, the informal settlements of Kawangware, Mukuru Kwa Njenga, and Kibera poor farmers who were previously on the fringes of the larger economy are now leasing shambas, buying agricultural inputs, sinking water wells, buying and selling their crop, all with little engagement with the country's national currency but through Sarafu ya Jamii, a community inclusive digital currency.

    Sarafu was developed by American economist Will Ruddick, the founder of Grassroots Economics, a non-profit foundation, and rolled out in late October 2020. Thus far, Sh3.4 million worth of transactions has been made in Sarafu countrywide. In Kwale alone, though its Shamba ya Jamii program, it has 60 farming chamas each with 20 members. In Kilifi, farmers can receive payment for selling their agriproduce to mama mbogas in Sarafu, which they can then use to buy a cup of tea.  The community inclusive currency acts as a conduit for the supply of labor and products to a marketplace that is often education and skills rich but monetarily poor.

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    "Through Sarafu, we hope to redefine donor funding models by building self-sustaining and empowering models of helping communities develop their own prospering economies with the privilege and stability of their own currencies, " said Grassroots Economics Director Shaila Agha.

    Users are onboarded on Sarafu through *384*96# USSD code. At entry, one gets 50 free Sarafu coins. They then transact with other users offering products (eg, food, water) and services (eg, farming labor, education) to earn more coins.

    Though cryptocurrency is all the vogue, Shaila explains that theirs is a community-held digital currency. Unlike crypto, Sarafu is a stable currency that cannot be speculated on. Though its value is one to one with the Kenyan shilling it cannot be converted to cash, rather it exists as a permanent digital ledger of transactions. A two per cent tax is also charged to any Sarafu hoarders--after all, there is no cashing out and buying a Lamborghini with the digital currency. These coins are transferred to frequent users who have a more obvious need for currency.

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    Beyond the use of digital currency, Grassroots Economics is also working to empower farming communities through financial literacy (users cannot accept payments of over 20 per cent in Sarafu); entrepreneurial training—giving farmers in Kinango, Kwale County value addition tools and skills for refining moringa into soap; teaching farmers modern agriculture methods like syntropic agriculture. 

    The non-profit also plans on putting more money into farmers' pockets through monetizing its large data repository to offer solutions for companies in the agricultural space and aggregating the land of its over 1300 farmers to help them benefit from the carbon credit system.

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    Alfred Koome 3

    By George Munene

    When Alfred Koome touched down in Kenya from India on September 5, 2020, with a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture degree in hand he had it all mapped out: "I had received positive feedback from resumes I had sent out and was looking forward to getting employed at a flower farm around my hometown of Timau," he said. Even the best-laid plans though often go awry; due to European lockdown measures occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic Kenyan flower exports were down over 90 per cent and flower farms were undertaking mass layoffs.

    This disappointment however birthed a budding garlic business that sees the 26-year-old deliver 400 kilograms of the herb at Sh250 a kilo to markets in Nanyuki and Isiolo every month. As he describes it: "I would not come close to making this much in formal employment."

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    "As a man, you only have so much time to feel sorry for yourself—I had access to a sizable plot of land, agricultural expertise, and had done extensive research on high-value crops I could cultivate, " said Koome. 

    His sights were set on garlic farming and with good reason: "A bulb of garlic cost Sh20-30 in markets, a price that is similar to that of a kilogram of potatoes, " he points out.

    He first got into French beans (Mishiri) farming and used the returns he got to invest in garlic seedlings. Propagation material (seedlings) constitute the most significant bottleneck in terms of cost for potential garlic farmers. A kilogram of seedlings costs Sh300, with an acre requiring at least 100 kilograms.

    Garlic farming is also no "get rich quick scheme" demanding Zen-like patience from farmers: Garlic cloves used in its propagation take three months to break their dormancy (sufficiently remove or damage the seed coat to allow water entry), with another four to three months required for the crop to mature.

    Alfred Koome

    While most farmers opt to grow and sell their crops in bulk, Koome has found value in subdividing his acre of land and selling his crop piecemeal. "Farm-gate prices hover at Sh200 a kilogram while bulk buyers offtake at least half a tonne of garlic from the farm at Sh100 for a kilo. I would rather deliver smaller quantities to mama mbogas and consumers directly at Sh250, which also ensures that I have a steady income throughout, " he explained.

    Related News: Herb exporter guarantees market for chilli, ginger, garlic contracted farmers

    The young farmer who is an incubatee of the ongoing Enable Youth Program—an African Development Bank (AfDB) and Government funded program that aims to train, mentor, and fund young agripreneurers—is currently gearing up to ensure he has a bumper harvest ready for the December holidays. 

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