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    By George Munene

    Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya has promised small-holder tea farmers a better pay next year once all reforms undertaken by the government take hold in the tea sector. 

    "There's been a steady rise in the prices of tea at auction while plans are underway to lower the cost of production, transportation and storage of processed tea. Smallholder tea farmers should expect much better pay by the end of 2021/22 Financial Year," Munya said while at a visit to Weru Tea Factory in Tharaka Nithi overseeing the plant's progress on some of the highlighted reforms.

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    Related News: Government tea reforms lead to record 40% price rise

    The implementation of a minimum reserve price in July this year has led to an increase in the price of tea at the Mombasa auction from a low of Sh199 in April to a record Sh374.64 per kilogram in mid-October. 

    The CS lay the blame for the poor tea bonuses being paid out to farmers now to farmers on the ousted Kenya Tea Development Authority (KTDA) officials and factory directors.

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    "After the initial resistance by the former tea cartels in June this year, the prices of tea at the Mombasa Auction, have increased steadily. The government realized that the declining tea prices, were a result of direct sales where cartels were the beneficiaries. Once we stopped the direct sale of green leaf--which makes up 95 per cent of the tea exported from Kenya--there has been a 42 per cent average increase in its price, from July to date," he said.

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    By George Munene

    Over 4,000 small-holder farmers in Nakuru will receive low cost financing and subsidized farm inputs as well as access to processing companies and exports markets for avocados and macadamia after their county government inked a deal with American NGO One Acre Fund, and Apollo Agriculture--a Kenyan agricultural lender.

    The project will target farmers that own between half an acre and three acres of land. Loans will be disbursed in the form of farm inputs that will include seeds, fertilizer and insurance.

    Related News:Kenyan insurer buoys smallscale farmers with low-cost insurance

    Related News:Global avocado demand projected to double by 2024.

    Globally, less than 20 per cent of smallholder farmers have any form of agricultural insurance, and across Sub-Saharan Africa, this figure is less than three per cent,' Reads part of a 2020 GSMA research publication on Agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers.

    While previously the scope of One Acre Fund's funding has been focused on maize and beans farmers, Koome McCourt, the organisations Government Relations Team Lead, explained to Farmers Review Africa that the NGO is widening its reach to avocado, macadamia, potato farmers. The program which will also incorporate herb growers will see One Acre Fund aggregate produce from farmers before selling in bulk to large processing companies and export markets. This gives them access to markets they would not otherwise be able to reach.

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    By George Munene

    On his farm at Mariakani, Kilifi County, 52-year-old Ab­dulrahim Morodhi has turned his chicken keep­ing hobby into a luc­rat­ive ven­ture. The re­tired ac­count­ant keeps a vari­ety of exotic, or­na­mental and in­di­gen­ous chicken but has ma­jored in the rear­ing of Brahma chicken.

    Hav­ing sold most of his ma­ture birds due to the grow­ing mar­ket de­mand for the breed, he has now whittled down the num­ber of grown Brah­mas on his farm to just 13 hens and 3 cock­er­els. “I try to rear as pure a breed of Brahma as is pos­sible and the de­mand for the bird is over­whelm­ing; it is do­cile and beau­ti­ful so many people love to keep it as a pet and for or­na­mental pur­poses,” says Morodhi. The breed also gath­ers weight quickly, reach­ing up to 3.5 kg in just five months and is sought for cross­ing with in­di­gen­ous chick­ens to give a heav­ier and faster-matur­ing bird.

    Brahma’s are of­ten­times re­ferred to as the ‘kings of chick­ens’ for their large size—cocks weigh on av­er­age 5.5 kg whilst hens av­er­age 4.5 kg. They are even more dis­tin­guish­able for their ‘socks’—feath­ers on their shanks and toes. Three col­our vari­et­ies of the breed are re­cog­nised by the Amer­ican Stand­ard of Per­fec­tion: light, dark, and buff.

    Re­lated News: Vil­lage chicken auc­tion mar­ket helps small scale farm­ers fetch bet­ter prices

    Morodhi star­ted keep­ing Brah­mas in 2017 after get­ting his first cock from a neigh­bor who was forced to va­cate. He then sought out a hen from an ex­pat­ri­ate at Vi­pingo but was re­lo­cat­ing. The first two years he says were tough sled­ding; exotic birds need spe­cial care com­pared to in­di­gen­ous breeds—the mor­tal­ity rate is es­pe­cially high the first three weeks after birth. Morodhi now re­li­giously sticks to a vac­cin­a­tion sched­ule that he says keeps the death rates at a min­imum. New­castle vac­cine in the first week, Gum­boro on the second, New­castle again on the third and Gum­boro in the fourth week. At six weeks, he vac­cin­ates for fowl pox and for fowl typhoid in the eighth week. He fi­nally gives his birds one last shot for New­castle at two months. Deworm­ing is done at 19 weeks and from then on in per­petu­ity every 3 months. Morodhi in­sists that bey­ond any med­ical in­ter­ven­tion strict main­ten­ance of hy­giene is para­mount in ward­ing off any po­ten­tial in­fec­tion. Every morn­ing, he cleans his chicken coop and also scouts for any signs of ill­ness within his flock. “Mor­tal­ity rates are highest from the first day to the third week; you’ll slip a bit in feed­ing or vac­cin­a­tion and wake up to a coop of dead chicks,” he says.

    Re­lated News: Narok farm­ers cash in the soar­ing de­mand for ken­bro chicken products to grow in­come

    Re­lated News: How to grow own black sol­dier lar­vae for feed­ing in­di­gen­ous chicken

    For feed­ing, Morodhi prefers Unga Lim­ited’s Fugo starter crumbs as a starter mash. Though it is ex­pens­ive, thus far he says, it has de­livered the best res­ults with his birds. He also avoids for­mu­lat­ing his own feed ra­tions until his chicks are about 6 weeks old when he starts feed­ing them on Mom­basa Maize Millers chicken mash sup­ple­men­ted with whole wheat and an of­fer­ing of greens. He also en­sures that the water his birds drink is clean throughout and every so often mixes in vit­am­ins for proper growth, body func­tion and re­pro­duc­tion.

    Morodhi says the in­creas­ing de­mand for the breed means many un­scru­pu­lous breed­ers cross the Brahma with in­di­gen­ous chicken only to pass it off as the real deal. These watered-down strains of Brahma are eas­ily dis­tin­guished for their slower rate of growth and hav­ing few feath­ers on their legs. He avoids this by ex­chan­ging cocks with farmer friends and im­port­ing in eggs—he just had his cousin re­turn­ing from the Neth­er­lands bring him fer­til­ised blue sil­ver or­ange Brahma eggs. His ma­ture birds—those that are over a year old—weigh between 5 and 7 ½ kilo­grams. Des­pite their grand size, Brah­mas are poor lay­ers giv­ing 3-4 me­dium to large-sized brown eggs every week. This makes their propaga­tion that much dif­fi­cult. Given the size of the hen, a farmer has to be keen that it does not trample on its chicks the first few days after their hatch­ing. He is cur­rently hutch­ing about 15 eggs a week and sells a one-month-old Brahma for Sh2,000 and ma­ture 7-9 month old for between Sh15,000 and 20,000. “I have stand­ing or­ders up to Decem­ber, and still have people call sourcing for Brah­mas who I, un­for­tu­nately, have to turn down,” he says.

    Given the pro­ject’s suc­cess, Morodhi has ven­tured into keep­ing other or­na­mental birds such as Silkie and Pol­ish Ban­tams.

    Ab­dulrahim Morodhi: 0712 250007

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