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    James Kapombe CocoGrow Company

    At 26, James Kapombe Kasemo,  is the founder  and CEO of CocoGrow, a company he started at the beginning of last year to manufacture coco peat, a soilless growing medium for different horticulture crops. This is after expensively buying the medium before a long waiting for delivery from dealers who imported the product.

    Upon graduating from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) with Bsc. Actuarial Science in 2014 Kapombe started commercial tomato farming under Casemo Foods, a company which deals in production of various crops in Matiakani, Kilifi County.

    The company used to buy coco peat made from coconut husks to germinate and grow tomatoes from dealers who imported the medium from Sri Lanka.

    “I could buy the medium at between Sh800 and Sh900 and most of the time I placed orders I was forced to wait for at least two weeks to receive the product. This was expensive and time wasting for our production and market time,” said Kapombe.

    The company has been producing the crops until June 2016 when he started conducting a research on coco peats production having driven by curiosity and passion in agribusiness.

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    He wondered how farmers especially from his region could lack healthy planting materials in fear of expensively buying coco peat produced from coconut by-products which the residents burn as waste material.

    “The medium offer 100 per cent seed germination as compared to soil and it has high water and nutrient retention capacity of up to 10 times, while also providing optimum aeration for the plants,” said Kapombe.

    According to 2003 Philippine Coconut Authority research on utilization of coco peat on coconut production, coco peat is a 100 per cent renewable organic resource for soilless growth medium with 70 per cent water holding capacity and gradually release nutrients to the plant roots due to its alkalinity.

    Driven by these benefits and his dream of producing locally available and cheap growing medium for farmers, Kapombe after a successful research decided to rebrand Casemo Foods to CocoGrow in June last year and proceeded to spend his over Sh800,000 savings to establish the company temporarily at Mariakani Town.

    “Starting off this company has never been easy. We have been facing electricity problem which has even hindered our movement to a better and bigger operation place within the county.” Said the CEO.

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    To officially kick off production in large quantities, the company received production certificate from Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) last month and has since been producing two tonnes per day.

    They have further decided to reduce production costs by contracting local engineers who fabricates their production machines instead of importing.

    “We love promoting local skills, so we have chosen to hire local experts to make our production machines thus saving us time and money as compared to if we were to import them.”

    CocoGrow does their product packaging in a 30 kilogram bags and selling a kilo at Sh33 minus VAT. The company sells the products to traders and farmers in Kericho, Bungoma, Thika, Nairobi and Coastal region among other places on order.

    “We have already created a strong customer base in many regions in Kenya owing the value of our product. This has been achieved by attending agricultural events and exhibitions to showcase the product,” said Kapombe.

    “On 6-8 last month we attended International Flower Trade and Expo at Oshwal Centre in Nairobi and we are glad that our product received a wide range of acceptance by prospective customers.”

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    The company has two permanent employees and six other on a casual basis to help in the daily operations of the company of extracting the long fibres from the coconut husks to realis the coco peats.

    “Our products are purely from coconut husks which are high-quality raw materials sourced from our local traders,” said Kapombe.

    So far CocoGrow has been featured among the 15 Most Promising Startups at this year’s Nairobi Innovation Week, 2017 Winner Agribusiness Category by E4Impact Foundation and featured in Unleash Innovation Lab, Denmark the same year.

    Kapombe is currently on part time pursuing his MBA in Global Business Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship at Tangaza College in collaboration with Catholic University of Milan.

    Before starting a mattress plant using the same coconut by-products, he hopes to move the company to be the leading producer of growing medium in Africa and improve sustainable production in food systems.

    “By 2050 Africa will have a doubled population index, and given the average age of an African farmer is 60, we need to seek new ways of crop production and make farming cool for the youth” said Kapombe.

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    Kapombe can be reached on +254 727 977175.

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    animal feed

    Kenyan farmers can cut down on the cost of buying feeds for their animals by 50 per cent by making their own feeds at the farm level.

    The Ministry of Agriculture reports that the cost of producing one liter of milk in Kenya is Sh20 to Sh25 compared to Sh10 in Tanzania and Uganda due to inadequate availability of raw materials such as maize, wheat, sunflower cake and cotton seed cake.

    According to the 2018 Economic Survey Report, expenditure on farm inputs increased by 14 per cent from Sh58bn in 2016 to Sh66.1bn in 2017, in this, purchases of seeds and manufactured feeds increased by 23.9 per cent and 10.3 per cent, respectively in 2017.

    In East Africa, Kenya has the highest prices of fuel (petrol and diesel) compared to Tanzania and Uganda due to the introduction of the eight per cent valued added tax on petroleum products in September this year.  Fuel costs therefore increases the cost of producing animal feeds by 60 per cent according to the ministry of agriculture.

    In Kenya for instance, a liter of petrol retails at Sh118 compared to Sh110 in Uganda and Sh105 in Tanzania.

    Timothy Mwai, an animal scientist who has specialized in animal nutrition and feed formulations is training farmers to make their own feeds with the main aim of cutting the cost of production as well as providing quality concentrates for their animals.

    “Cost of feeds in Kenya is high, as per farmers, and making feeds at farm level helps reduce the cost of feeding. The quality of feeds keeps on changing and most farmers always want to get high quality animal feeds at all times for their animals,” said Mwai.

    Mwai is a graduate of Maseno University with a degree in animal science year obtained in 2016. He has since worked as a livestock supervisor at a farm, as a production supervisor and as well as a production manager.

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    “Since my time at University I have been doing feed formulations for farmers before rising to doing feed formulations commercially for feed making companies. Through interaction with other players in the same field I have perfected my formulation skills hence providing high quality animal feeds and mineral salts formulas,” said Mwai. I

    “I have links with raw material suppliers in Kenya and Uganda who offer raw materials. I apply the principle of least cost formulation i.e. making high quality animal feeds with the least cost.

    His charges for feed formulas range from Sh3,000 to Sh10,000, trainings range from Sh5,000 to Sh20,000 while leads to raw material suppliers is free.

    Mwai normally takes sample feeds to the lab for analysis for quality control tests.

    The quantity of milk delivered to dairy processors recorded a significant drop of 17.4 per cent from 648.2m liters in 2016 to 535.7m liters in 2017 according to the 2018 economic survey report.

    In this, the quantity of processed milk and cream from processing plants decreased by 8.5 per cent and that of butter and ghee declined by 22 per cent. Production of cheese however, increased from 311.2 tonnes in 2016 to 338.3 tonnes in 2017.

    Timothy Mwai can be contacted on +254 704 524 928

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    An entrepreneur who quit his job to venture into sugarcane value addition is now earning at least Sh10,00 in profits daily, 10 times more income from his initial career.

    Twenty seven year old Dominic Jisemba makes sugarcane juice, a business he started in January this year after quitting a security job at Alasraya Security Company in Qatar which was earning him Sh41,000 monthly.

    “A family friend from Kenya advised me to venture into sugarcane juice production because he felt there was ready market and demand,” said Jisemba.

    A research by Joaquim Mauricio Duarte, a scientist, on health benefits of sugar revealed that a natural compound found in sugarcane juice was shown to reduce the growth of human cancer cells.

    The research further said that this compound was most effective against colon cancer cells and multidrug resistant breast cancer. Sugarcane juice is therefore beneficial to consumers with statistics revealing that cancer deaths have doubled over the last five years from 20,000 to 40,000 according to the Kenya Cancer Network of Organisations.

    Having saved Sh87,100 from his security job in Qatar, he procured basic materials for his then to be production business: a machine at Sh80,000, sugarcane at Sh3000, jinja at Sh800, lemon at Sh500 and plastic cups at a cost of Sh500.

    “Two months into the business, I still did not have a specific working space because I used to move depending on where the demand was high,” said Jisemba.

    After a two-day training at a local shop in Nairobi where he bought the machine, the entrepreneur employed four people to help in cleaning sugarcane and welcoming visitors.

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    “I pay my employees Sh1000 a day as per our contract basis. We make a staff of five and work together regardless of who is the boss and who are the employees,” said Jisemba.

    Jisemba grinds 70 pieces of cane in a day which yields 700 glasses of juice. A 200ml glass of juice goes at Sh50 while a 500ml glass cost Sh100. One sugarcane retails at Sh30.

    The graduate from Nairobi aviation collage now engages in a field related to what he graduated in; catering.

    “I make a profit of Sh10,000 a day after settling all production costs and my employee’s salaries. It is an initiative I was not sure about while I started but now caters for my bills and expenses,” said Jisemba.

     Just as many business personnel opt for customer satisfaction as their first priority, Jisemba is not an exemption. He believes that his clients are the reason he wakes up in the morning to grind sugarcane and extract juice.

    “I get my clients from church gatherings, social events, referrals and the Nairobi International Trade fair (Agricultural show),” said Jisemba.

    His main challenge comes in when sugarcane retailers become inconsistent and fail to deliver his order on time despite him having paid for all expenses.

    “Every business has its own shortcoming. At times my business runs smooth and at times it’s tough. Sugarcane market in Nairobi is unreliable and sometimes we order sugarcane from retailers in Kisii County who supply a maximum of 600 pieces on a lorry for one order,” said Jisemba.

    Apart from sugarcane juice, Jisemba does exhibition and markets grill pans and duster mops. He uses the earnings secured from the exhibitions to order extra sugarcane which bails him out during sugarcane shortage in the market.

    “I sometimes sell the extra stock of sugarcane to friends especially when the market is dry. I sell them at an added cost of Sh6,” said Jisemba.

    In five years-time, he wishes to expand his business, buy other machines and employ more staff for efficient running of the business.

    “I want to create employment and at the same time distribute more sugarcane juice to various parts of the country,” said Jisembe.

    The Umoja based entrepreneur advices youths to invest in sugarcane juice business because it has a ready market and few health benefits.

    Dominic can be contacted on +254 718 216 271

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