JM So­cial Icons

    Sh 5.1B ag­ribusi­ness fund call­ing for 2400 women & youth ap­plic­ants

    youth agriculture

    By George Munene

    The Ag­riBiz pro­gramme seeks to ac­cel­er­ate the en­gage­ment of women and youth in ag­ribusi­ness. The Shs 5.1 bil­lion ini­ti­at­ive is look­ing to fund 2,400 women and youth-led ag­ribusi­ness en­ter­prises across Kenya. 

    Ag­riBiz is fun­ded by the Dan­ish In­ter­na­tional De­vel­op­ment Agency(Dan­ida) and European Union(EU). Counties con­sidered by the pro­gramme are Machakos, Kisii, Uasin Gishu, Isi­olo, Bungoma, Meru, Ki­ambu, and Kilifi. However, re­gional eco­nomic blocks ad­ja­cent to these se­lect counties will also be­ne­fit.

    Re­lated News: Min­istry of ag­ri­cul­ture sets up Sh48M credit fund for miraa farm­ers

    Re­lated News: Sa­far­icom Found­a­tion Youth in Ag­ribusi­ness pro­gramme funds 800 farm­ers in Kaji­ado

    The pro­ject is ex­pec­ted to cre­ate 17,000 job op­por­tun­it­ies.

    Ap­plic­ants will be re­quired to apply to be in­cub­ated in eight one of the eight Busi­ness Hub (BIH) that is nearest to their county.

    The BIHs will provide train­ing, busi­ness ad­vis­ory, and fin­an­cing. These skills will be used in scal­ing their ag­ribusi­nesses.

    Re­lated News: Cof­fee fund launches pre-crop fin­ance for small­hold­ers

    Other part­ners in the pro­gramme are the African De­vel­op­ment Bank (AfDB) and Kenya Cli­mate In­nov­a­tion Cen­ter (KCIC).


     Ag­riBiz pro­gramme

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